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Our natural mosquito repellant is almost ready. I have noticed that the blood suckers are landing on me, but do not bite. I watch them land, and then take off and leave a few seconds later. I have not had any bites this season when using it. I need a couple of volunteers to try it. Message me if you are interested.
For almost 30 years now, my family and I have been doing things differently. We have grown like a unit and we actually like each other. We started to spend more time together, without phones, electronics and such, but at the river, playing board games and such. We progressed into a more simple life. But that is not what this is about. It is about a lifestyle change we made that made the biggest difference in our life. It was two fold. Today we will talk about one of them The first was exercise. We all maintain a level of cardio and aerobic exercise everyday. It is not our work, and it is not gardening. We do not adapt a particular job and say it is aerobic. The exercise is specifically planned for, scheduled and done daily. Anything that can get your heart rate up over the 120 beats per minute is great. Maintain that level for at least 30 minutes and you are on your way. When that gets to an hour, you have achieved your goal. The most common response to this is...... wait for it... yeah, you all already said it. It is a reality of this culture that is hard to escape. The jobs, the phone, the social media, the.......well just "the". Meaning all the things we do to "get in the way" and provide for us an excuse. And that is what it is. So, let me say it just to make sure. "I do not have enough time". There I said it. I get up at 4:30 am to get my work out in. But I am a morning person. My wife, well, she does the bulk of her aerobics around noon. And then we have a family cross training in the evening. We make the time. This is not what you hear from most families. Barely do they even stay in the same room. And that is due to social media, video games and such. Too much time without people which results in poor communication skills, difficulty with face to face contact and ultimately an "excuse" for failed marriage, failed jobs, failure. I wonder. An experiment if you will. What would happen if you dropped one thing you do, and made time for aerobics. A walk after work to alleviate stress; a stop at the gym on the way to / from work for an hour of "you" time. That family hike in an area that does not have reception. A whole new meaning to "stay out of the bars." What would happen if? What would happen in a month, a year, a decade? Would you know your family? Find the time? Change your lifestyle? Feel better and have a clearer mind, a stronger ability? Could this change you quality of work? I think that is a great experiment.
And yet Natural docs have shown as much as 80+% effective rate, but we cannot advertise it since we are not legally allowed to.
Making a all natural mosquito repellant for the skin, Should last up to 2 hours, and no harmful chemicals. I am looking for a market out there. Krys and I have been testing it and it seems to work pretty good. Questions so far: How does it hold up to sweat? Like any, it will diminish the effective time when your body sweats it off. But you should get a good hour or so out of it still. What does it smell like? Right now, a hint of lavender. How do you put it on? It will come in a spray bottle What is in it? Pharmaceutical grade essential oils like lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon grass and others. The final formula is not established yet. What about sensitive skin? With anything, test on a small area first, but most of these oils are not allergenic. Tell me if you are interested. If I get enough, I will produce for market. Estimated price will be about $8 for 2-3 ounces Thank all!!!!
A recipe for you to spray on your trees to keep the bugs away: 1) 1 cup canola oil 2) 1 Tablespoon cinnamon oil 3) 2 Tablespoons cayenne oil 4) 2 Tablespoons garlic oil 5) 1/2 cup liquid dish soap Mix and then put into a hose sprayer. Repeat every 3-4 weeks
The Farmacy
I just love the way he put this.
BREAKTHROUGH: The food you eat determines which genes get activated or suppressed, controlling...
This article is a must read!!!!
David Wolfe
Cancer has been successfully treated by natural doctors for centuries. The AMA has set guidelines that state we cannot say we treat cancer or we are imprisoned. But.... there is treatment available. Contact your natural doc and see what they can do for you
This is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever – Kills Any Infections in The Body
looking to see if this is true......
Scientists discover the location of the soul within the human brain
Interesting....... What do you all think?
Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe A Natural alternative for oral health. Serves: ¾ cup Ingredients •¼ cup Bentonite Clay •¼ cup Baking Soda •¼ cup Calcium Citrate Malate powder •3-4 Tbsp Fractionated Coconut Oil •10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil (you can also try clove or cinnamon leaf) •*Optional: stevia extract to taste Instructions 1.Combine all ingredients. 2.Keep in a mason jar or squeeze tube container. I got this recipe from others and have found that it works pretty good. Cheaper that toothpaste, none of that flouride in it and will keep the teeth happy.