Lakeside Park Marina
Lakeside Park Marina has slips available for both seasonal and overnight docking along with a full service marina. Valvtect Marine Gasoline & Marine Diesel Fuel.
Transient dockage, by the day, weekly or monthly.
Pump outs.
Free temporary dockage to visit the park and local restaurants.
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facebook.comNeed a pump out? We will be open this Saturday & Sunday from 10:00am-4:00 pm. This is the last weekend.
We will be open for fuel or pump outs this Saturday and Sunday from 10:00-4:00.
Sad to say but we are on fall hours. If you need after hour service, please call Dave at 920-948-9466
We are a certified Valvtect marina.
Still looking for a couple people to be Fuel Attendant at the docks. Part time great Summer job. Contact Kelly 920-948-4080 if interested!