New Ebenezer Baptist Church
This page provides information about New Ebenezer Baptist Church. It also displays events happening at our church.
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facebook.comPhotos by James Mackrey
Youth Usher Presentations! Congratulations on your service!
Lord I worship you because of who you are! Sing children!
Black lives matter! Thanks Malcolm! Awesome presentation!
Dedication of Rev. & Mrs. Scipio's baby! Congratulations! 🎈🎉
I love You Lord!! Sing Praise team!
Pastor's Preaching Engagements and Church Events!
Look for New Ebenezer Baptist Church on Givelify!
Anticipating the building of our new church... Click on the link below to see what our new church could look like!
Click on the link below to subscribe to our sermon podcasts. You may also click on the link below to listen sermons given at our church.
The Lord is my Shepherd.Psalm 23