Friends of Berston Field House
A 501(c)(3)Nonprofit Corporation
Adopted by Friends of Berston Board on November 6, 2014 FRIEND OF BERSTON
An Overview
Friends of Berston was formed in 2014 to continue offering the programs housed in the histosric Berston Field House when the City of Flint’s budgetary short-falls prevented the city from being able to provide the necessary funding to operate its community centers.
Non-Profit Status Received: October 17, 2014 (31954)
Mission Statement:
Enhancing the impact of Berston through quality education, athletics, The arts and comprehensive social programs.
Brief History of Berston Field House:
Berston was built in 1923 on land donated by members of the Neil J. Berston Sr. Family. Mr. Berston who moved to Flint, Michigan in 1897, had been a member of the Board of Water Commissioners of Flint, a member of the Directorate of the Industrial Savings Bank, and a land developer. He had developed the land surrounding Berston Field House from numerous plots of farmland he had purchased and plotted into lots. Berston Field House served as a community center for residents, and was the first center to become an integrated facility in the era of segregation. It has been granted the status of a State of Michigan Historic Building. Berston Field House continues to be a training center for notable athletes, its latest, Claressa Shields who is the reigning Olympic Gold Medalist in the field of Women’s Boxing.
Friends of Berston Board Members:
Madonna Bennett, Loren Crandell, Tonya Edwards, Louis Hawkins, Jackie Hopkson-Edmonds, Valorie Horton, Ron Hudson, Janice Karcher, Ed Kendall, Alvern Lock
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