Selv Plukk (thats U-pick) fresh apples, raspberries, pumpkins. Also cider, caramel apples, and farm fun, right in Fitchburg, WI.
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facebook.comLOVE Madison. We had folks from Blackhawk church out to the farm last Sunday. A huge thanks to everyone who helped. New signs painted, raspberries transplanted, netting up, popcorn bagged up, wow. We are so blessed to have you all come out.
Tractor seat view of prunings about to get shredded. All the prunings from the year get chopped and left in the alleyways to feed the orchard soil. We use a big mower called a flail mower which has heavy "anvils" that spin on a drum. The mower can chop branches to 3" diameter!
We had about 40 people from the UW beginning apple growers class at Eplegaarden this Sunday. We were teaching these eager growers about pruning and looking at orchard equipment. Growing apples isn't easy, but these folks are up for the challenge!
We are all closed up for the seasons. We had some challenges this year. May frost, humid and wet late summer, rain in September, but the season ended with some nice weather in October. We were fortunate to have plenty of apples and Selv plukk available until the end of October. Mange tak!
The store is still open our regular hours. We just have apples in the store. Some nice varieties for eating pie and sauce.
Yes we still have apples to Selv plukk. It takes a little searching, but cameo, melrose, Jonathan and others still delicious. Seek and Ye shall find! Same goes for pumpkins. Special half gal price for all gallon jugs of cider. Fresh pressed yesterday. Sat 9-5 and sun 11-5. It's our last weekend so stock up and enjoy our nice fall.
Hey hard cider brewers! We are making our last batch of cider for the season on Thursday. Leave your carboy with us before Thursday at 9am, and get 5 gals for$25. Leave name and number on carboy and pick up Thursday. Send me a message back if interested.
Still a bunch of late varieties of apples to Selv plukk. Pumpkins, hay rides and the haunted playground will all be open this weekend. Sat 9-5 and Sunday 11-5. Beautiful weather this weekend folks, get out and enjoy. -da eple farmer
Selv plukkin of Honeycrisp. Starts now. Get out here for some juicy Honeycrisp at regular Selv pluk prices. Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 11-5.
Still some great Selv plukkin this week and weekend. I really love these late season apples. Crisp, fresh and juicy. Look for prairie spy, regent, n spy, cameo, jonagold and melrose. Still a lot of favorites hanging on, and more apples in da store. Pressing cider this morning as well.
Maybe the last weekend to Selv plukk crisp macs. Look for the ruby macs on trellis. New apples today are melrose, jonagold, prairie spy(on of my favs), and fortune. Also plan to open harald potterson haunted playground if the rain holds off. Did I mention a million pumpkins?
Hey hard cider makers! Special deal on 5 gallons of cider for $35. On this Wednesday only while supplies last. We are open 9-5.