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Black Hole Jiu Jitsu

831 Rte 52, Fishkill, United States
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Black Hole Jiu-Jitsu is the number one source for mixed martial arts in Dutchess county.  Please come in for your free trial today.



Saturdays Scheduled Classes: 11am Jrs BJJ 12pm Adult BJJ: Drill Class

All classes are on for tomorrow Saturday 1/30/2016. Good luck to all competitors taking part in the Good Fight tournament in Nyack, NY.

Friday Scheduled Classes: 10:30am BJJ No-Gi 6:30pm Boxing: Coach Ellis Harris

Thursdays Scheduled Classes: 10:30am BJJ Gi 5pm Mighty Mights (Ages 3-6) 5:30pm Juniors BJJ (Ages 7-13) 6:30pm Adult Wrestling: Coach Matt Spano 7:30 Adult BJJ No-Gi

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There is nothing better than teaching my mighty mites class (2-6yrs old). Always eager to learn and smiling the whole time. Even my niece is starting to come into class. She's in the far right corner. #blackholebjj #jiujitsulifestyle #kidsthatdojiujitsu #mightymites #jiujitsu #streching #teachthemyoung

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Wednesday Scheduled Classes: 10am Open Mat No-Gi 5pm Mighty Mights (Ages 3-6) 5:30pm Juniors BJJ (Ages 7-13) 6:30pm Boxing: Coach Ellis Harris 7pm BJJ Fundamentals: Coach Dave Arnold 7:30 Adult BJJ * If you are looking to train MMA, its highly recommended you stop in for our striking courses.

Tuesdays Scheduled Classes: 11am Open Mat No-Gi 5pm Mighty Mights (Ages 3-6) 5:30pm Juniors BJJ (Ages 7-13) 6:30pm Muay-Thai: Coach Darren Mima 7:30 Adult BJJ * If you are looking to train MMA, its highly recommended you stop in for our striking courses.

Today we have Mondays Regular Scheduled Classes starting with: 5:30pm Jrs 7pm Dave Arnold’s Fundamentals Class 7:30pm Advanced Adult No-Gi -Looking fwd to seeing you all there!

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Congratulations to my first black belt @brianbeauryjj for earning his first degree on his black belt. There is no one that can match his effort or dedication to the art. I am so proud of all that he has accomplished not just as a competitor but, as an instructor as well. He has a great group of students at his school. Keep up all the hard work my friend. #blackholebjj #brianbeauryjj #jiujitsulifestyle #professorbeaury #blackbeltbjj #congratulations

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There will be no Childrens class tomorrow 1/23/16 due to the seminar at Coach Brians. Childrens classes will resume on Monday.

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Always a good time training with my friend Dragan on Tuesday mornings. Once again morning class was packed with people pushing hard for the upcoming tournaments. Looking forward to the evening sessions. #blackholebjj #jiujitsu #gameness #nogi #tournamentseason #training

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Don't forget what tonight's attendance should look like. The more training partners the better. We will be continuing our lesson from last night on the #omoplata. #blackholebjj #blackholemma #gi #jiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu #hardwork

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