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StoneBridge Church

2111 Stonehedge Dr, Findlay, United States
Religious Organization



Creating a church that unchurched people are excited to be at. OUR CORE VALUES
Core values are the beliefs and priorities that govern the way StoneBridge Church functions. Our values represent the “core” of who we are and how we are committed to operate as a community of faith.

PEOPLE (GRACE) – All people regardless of background or lifestyle matter to God and us, especially those far from God.  We will love and welcome without prejudice and judgment.  (Matthew 9:13, John 3:16, 1 John 3:16-17, Titus 2:11)

RELATIONSHIPS – We are all in need of relationships; a personal relationship with God, meaningful relationships with one another, and impactful relationships with the world.  (Matthew 22:36-40, Acts 2:42-47, Matthew 28:16-20)

EXCELLENCE – Reflecting the amazing character of God in communicating the timeless message in a relevant method. (Colossians 3:23-24, Ecclesiastes 9:10, Acts 17:27-29)

THE BIBLE – Truth of God’s Word as ultimate and complete authority.  (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21)

LIFE – Caring for the emotional, spiritual, and physical needs of people.  We will care and protect children, families, and marriages.  (Jeremiah 1:5, Ephesians 2:10, Mark 9:36-37, Matthew 19:4-6)

SPIRITUAL FORMATION (DISCIPLESHIP) – Helping people take the next steps in their journey toward God through Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4:11-17, Mark 8:34)


Do you remember the game follow the leader? Can you recall playing this game as a kid? You did what the leader did, without question no matter how silly or ridiculous. Well here is the thing follow the leader may be a silly game, but in reality, parents are the leaders of their home and children from day one begins playing follow the leader. I can recall some of the first times my girls began repeating noises I would make or began imitating how I would move, but the thing is my girls will continue to imitate what I say and do even after babyhood. They will begin to pick up how I treat others in word and deed. The family is the core where children learn how to treat others, based on how they see their parent’s acting toward one another, a sibling or people in general. In many cases what children decide to do with their lives is a reflection of the home they come from. Parents play a huge role in children’s lives. One particular problem I believe can help be prevented by the influence of a child’s home is bullying. There are three key ways bullying can be prevented starting at home. Firstly, through parental self-evaluation. Ask yourself are you setting the precedents in how you treat your spouse or your children that bullying is unacceptable? It’s really easy to point fingers, but what if part of the problem is us? Make sure your behavior lines up with how you want your child to act. Secondly, spend time with your child, ask them about their day, show them you care about them, take opportunities to talk about how they should treat others and take an interest in their friends, and help them evaluate if their friends are having a good impact on their life. Teach them to love our enemies. Thirdly, come up with a game plan together with your child to put into place if he or she sees someone being bullied or if he or she is bullied. Make known in this discussion “ratting” someone out is for the purpose of getting someone in trouble while “telling” is for the purpose of protecting someone’s well-being. Together we can be the difference this world needs through the love of Christ that reaches out to all!

Join us in community service on Thanksgiving Day at the Annual FREE Thanksgiving Meal! Volunteers in the kitchen, drive-thru, dining room, and even deliver meals. Individuals, as well as groups, are welcome to volunteer! Please let us know when you will be serving by registering at

7 Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips (provided by Reader's Digest) 1. Plan a route in advance. Trick-or-treating could take you several streets away from your house, which can cause sore legs and a bit of frustration. Avoid long paths by mapping our a route before leaving the house. Stick to paths that you and your child are familiar with to avoid getting lost. 2. Wear comfy shoes. Make sure you and your children are in comfortable, well-fitting shoes. Girls in dresses should avoid heels, and all shoelaces should be double-tied to avoid tripping in the dark. 3.Stay well-lit Apply reflective tape to your child's costume to ensure they are seen by drivers on the road. Also, carry a flashlight with you to keep your child's path lit at all times. 4.Make sure costumes are a safe length Long costumes that drag on the ground can be dangerous, especially at night. After purchasing your child's costume, make sure it's an appropriate length, and hem anything that's too long to avoid tripping. 5. Avoid Masks Masks can make it difficult for your child to see or breathe. If possible, skip the mask altogether and use non-toxic make-up to complete the costume instead. 6. Use flexible props Try to avoid costumes that have weapons as accessories. But if your child's costume won't be complete without a weapon, make sure it is rubber or plastic. Choose a prop that won't cause injury to your child or their friends. 7. Check your child's candy When sorting through candy at the end of the night, be sure to throw away any candy that is not in its original wrapper or looks as though it has been opened

Parade Time!!!

Halloween parade location!!!!!

NOTE: Our parade line-up time and location have changed!!! We just received word from the Hancock Leadership Alumni Association that due to construction throughout downtown, we will be changing the course for this year's parade!!! All floats, vehicles, and walkers are going to be staged on Lake Cascades Parkway by way of Western Ave! Float and Walkers will be lining up at 6pm. We will be broadcasting a live video to let you know our exact location in line tomorrow night!

Thanksgiving Day the Annual FREE Thanksgiving Meal serves over 2000 people and we need your help! Come for an hour, a few hours, or the whole day! Come serve with your family and then dine together to celebrate the holiday! Register to volunteer at

Join us at Buffalo Wild Wings!

Support StoneBridge Students as they raise funds to travel to Ohio State Youth Convention (OSYC) this fall! Stop by Buffalo Wild Wings anytime on Wednesday, October 18 and eat your favorite BW3 foods! 15% of your bill will be donated to the OSYC Trip! Be sure to download and print a copy of the flyer from the comments, it must be presented when you pay your bill! No printer! No problem! Stop by the church office during the week or Guest Services on Sundays to pick up a pre-printed flyer!
