Gold's Gym - Fenton, MO
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Don’t fumble your diet at your Super Bowl celebrations! #SB50
Healthy Super Bowl Recipes | Gold's Gym
The biggest game of the year is finally here and Celebrity Chef Robert Irvine shares five healthy recipes to help you celebrate!
Gold's Gym Workout Music Awards
We know music makes you move, yet the upcoming GRAMMYs don’t recognize the Workout Song of the Year. Help us fix this miss by nominating your favorite workout song of 2015! Nominate here --> #GRAMMYsGetFit
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Signups & weigh ins for the 2016 Gold's Gym Challenge end TOMORROW! We saw a lot of our members go through amazing transformations and achieve many fitness goals during our last Challenge this past fall including our Florissant gym's Female winner Kathy Tindall who lost 17.2 pounds in 12 weeks! Here is what Kathy had to say about her Gold's Gym Challenge experience: "Joining Gold’s Gym was a decision I made in part because of the corporate partnership with my employer and because my best friend was already a member. Through his encouragement I purchased a 90-day trial Groupon. Due to the overall positive and encouraging atmosphere, I was so pleased with my experience that at the expiration of the Groupon, I paid cash for a full year 2016 membership. In addition to having convenient hours, location and a variety of equipment, trainer Danita Watkins has proven to be extremely supportive both inside and outside of the gym. I explained to her in my orientation that I was a recent University graduate and after having accomplished that goal, I was ready to work on my body. She then told me about the Challenge. Fresh out of school and already used to goal setting and discipline, the Challenge was the perfect opportunity to set attainable physical goals for myself within a reasonable time frame. It also provided the structure necessary to hold myself accountable every 4 weeks. Thus, I provided myself with weekly goals of diet and exercise. Knowing weight loss is not an overnight accomplishment, Danita has been continuously encouraging and supportive. My success has been realized through watching my diet, making necessary adjustments and taking full advantage of the resources Gold’s offers. I have spent countless hours at Gold’s, learning the different equipment, asking questions and educating myself about my body while pushing my physical limits. When Danita originally weighed me during my orientation, I was 165.6. By the time the challenge officially started 2-3 weeks later, I had already begun working out and had lost 3-4 pounds reducing my official challenge weight to 162. My final weight at the end of the challenge is 145.4. I am extremely pleased with myself for attaining my personal goal of 20 pounds and for attaining the challenge goal of 15+ pounds. Some personal successes resulting from the last 4 months in this Challenge included being able to run at a 5.2 mph pace for over 70+ minutes when before I was challenged walking at 3.5 mph for 30 minutes; being able to bench press 60 pounds when I could not bench the bar alone prior; curl 20lbs when I started at 10lbs; I can do 105 sit-ups in one setting when I could not do 10 at the start; I can do 20+ minutes on the stair master when I could barely hold out for 5 minutes at the start. In writing this essay I am realizing my personal successes are far more than even I can list and I realized them all through the Challenge." WHERE WILL YOU BE IN 12 WEEKS?
Have you ditched your New Year's resolutions? Most people do by this date
Beware of the #FitnessCliff! The Today Show shares 4 ways to survive the Fitness Cliff
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What’s YOUR favorite workout song of 2015? Gold’s Gym is crowning the top workout songs of the year with our inaugural Workout Music Awards (can you hear us The GRAMMYs?!?) and we want to know what songs motivate you at the gym. Nominate your favorites by commenting on the post on our main Gold's Gym Facebook page at #GRAMMYsGetFit
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"Fit is not a challenge, it's a way of life." - Unknown Only a few more days left to join the 2016 Gold’s Gym Challenge. Where will you be in 12 weeks? #GoldsGymChallenge #ChallengeAccepted #MondayMotivation 📷: Gold's Gym Challenge Facebook Group
5 Healthy Super Bowl Menu Swaps | Gold's Gym
The big game is a week away! Prepare your game day menu with these 5 healthy menu swaps.
Attention Members: Our Saturday Challenger Boot Camp has been moved to 11am. If you are in the Challenge, you are invited to come sweat with us!
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Attention Members: 1/29-1/31 Add a family member on a month-to-month plan for $0 enrollment this weekend! See our front desk for more details today!
Put an End to Excuses | Gold's Gym
Not seeing immediate results? Results come from patience, consistent commitment to your goal, and hard work! #NewYearNoExcuses
2015 Gold's Gym Challenge Winners
Meet the 2015 Gold's Gym Challenge Winners! Are you next? #GoldsGymChallenge
The original sunday funday...leg day!!,gymlife,legionofboom,shredded,converse,s2faction,gymrat,flagnorfail,legday,footwear,goldsgym,fitness,1stphorm,smithsquat
Saturday leg day with this babe @tzeiter24 #legday #fitness #1stphorm #converse #shredded #gymlife #gymrat #flagnorfail #footwear #goldsgym #s2faction #legionofboom #shoegame #smithsquat

Sauna time!! :-D #gym #sauna #workoutlife #illbeskinnyoneday #almostthere #goals #goldsgym #growmusclesgrow

Gotta say my tricep is probably one of the most stubborn muscles I have. I'll just keep trying to get that 3 headed monster to pop! 💪💪 #fit #fitness #fitfam #lift #swollfie #gym #gymrat #gymjunky #goldsgym #abs #lean #pump #s2faction #peaknutrition #peakstl #1stphorm #neversettle #legionofboom #chest #vascularity #rhb #osgods #toolpic #gaintrain #gainz #shredz #shredded,fashion,fitfam,fitspiration,fitnessmotivation,mancrushmonday,s2faction,mancandymonday,fitcouple,footwear,fitness,handsome,1stphorm,fitspo
My #mcm everyday! He inspires me to work harder, be healthier, and stay focused on fitness! And he isn't tough to look at either 🙃 #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #fitspo #fitspiration #fitcouple #s2faction #1stphorm #mancrushmonday #mancandymonday #fitness #handsome #fashion #footwear @tzeiter24 @tzeiter24 @tzeiter24,fitchicks,fitfam,instafit,fitness
If I could lift back every day I would. Favorite muscle group to train hands down. What's yours? #fitness #fitfam #fitchicks #back #instafit,fitfam,fitnessmotivation,fitchicks,fitlife,fitnessislife,fitgirls,fitness
Fitness is a lifestyle. Everyone can have the body they want, if they are willing to work for it every single day. Make each day healthier than the one before, and you will see the results you are looking for! #fitness #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #fitlife #fitgirls #fitnessislife #fitchicks #motivation
