Dancing Light Stained Glass Studio
Whether you are looking for something to brighten up a window or upgrade your kitchen cabinets, stained glass should appeal not only to your sense of aesthetic, but should ignite your imagination. I'll have done my job right when my glass sings to you.
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And what about this little beauty? This rondel is 4" across and I have about 8 of them. It would look lovely in a traditional or abstract panel. #dancinglightglass
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Aren't these pretty? Each face is about 6" across. When I saw them I fell in love. Would you like one in your next panel? #dancinglightglass
Photos from Dancing Light Stained Glass Studio's post
I had to take a little break from my Tree of Life panel to complete a panel for a very sweet client. She contacted me asking for a replica of my very first panel ever. I still have this panel, and still love it, but with increased skill comes a greater imagination. I added a lot more detail to the leaves and totally changed the stamen and pistil from glass to wire work, AND added some glass frit as pollen. Let me know what you think! FinditinFairport.com #dancinglightglass
JJ Glass Creations
This glass artist can take the cremated ashes of your loved ones and put them in little pendants or worry stones or other trinkets that you can keep close to you at all times. What a lovely way to keep someone close. Be sure to check out JJ Glass Creations for more lovely work.
Photos from Dancing Light Stained Glass Studio's post
Two of my panels are now on display at Jardin Terrariums LLC right here in Fairport, NY. If you are in the neighbourhood, please stop by and let me know what you think. If you haven't checked out this charming little store yet, do so! Indoor gardens are always a good idea. Miniature gardens that certainly attract fairy life are an excellent idea! FinditinFairport.com
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Evidence of a labour of love: hands that will never be mistaken for the hands of a model and just a fraction of the itty bitty teeny tiny pieces to fit between the knots of my current tree of life panel. I must love what I do!!
Photos from Dancing Light Stained Glass Studio's post
And just so you guys don't think I've been totally slacking off, I've added photos of those last two Moroccan transoms to my Panels album. However, here are two close ups to show you the detail and how wonderful iridescent glass can be.
Photos from Dancing Light Stained Glass Studio's post
For the longest time I've wanted to do a tree of life panel. A few months ago I came across this tattoo and asked the artist's permission to turn his tattoo art into a stained glass panel. He agreed and now finally I get to work on it. This one is for my mother, so not for sale, but I am truly enjoying working on it. When all is said and done, there will be over 400 pieces in this panel. Do you think I've done the tattoo artist's design justice so far?
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All ready for soldering. These are two more Moroccan inspired transoms for a couple of wonderful clients.
Photos from Dancing Light Stained Glass Studio's post
Made a quick trip this week to deliver and help install these panels. I don't often get to see my work installed as they ship all over the U.S. and beyond, so this was pretty special. They look great and happy client = happy me.
Photos from Dancing Light Stained Glass Studio's post
Finished two more projects today. The red business card holder will be sent to Massachusetts and the art deco tulip panel will be installed in a home in Connecticut. I love it when work is completed on nice sunny days so that I can get good photos :)
Dancing Light Stained Glass Studio
Just 10 more days to Father's Day. Are you still looking for a gift? Why not get him a business card holder for his desk. I can make it in his favourite colours or the colours of his favourite sports team. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.583007438462754.1073741832.387323864697780&type=1&l=8bdccc779b