Fairmont Area Schools, District 2752
Fairmont Area Schools is a full service district. Fairmont Elementary houses Pre-K
through 6th grade. Fairmont Jr/Sr High School houses grades 7-12.
Total enrollment is 1,672 students.
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facebook.comPOSITION VACANCY Fairmont Area Schools has an opening for an upper elementary education teacher for the 2017-18 school year. A MN elementary education teaching license required. Emphasis on English Language Arts. Starting salary no less than $40,000 + benefits. Apply to jkopischke@fairmont.k12.mn.us.
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
Photos from Fairmont Area Schools, District 2752's post
Mrs. Forster's 4th grade class had a graduation program on Thursday, May 25. The students had been in Mrs. Forster's class both 3rd and 4th grade. The children performed a play entitled, "The Spring Circus," sang songs, and reminisced for family and friends about their two years together.
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
Photos from Fairmont Area Schools, District 2752's post
Education Minnesota Fairmont teachers and friends distributed over 2,000 books to kids ages birth through high school during the Interlaken Heritage Days Parade.
Timeline Photos
Pam Brolsma, Education Minnesota Fairmont's Teacher of the Year, and Beth Neist, Education Minnesota Fairmont's Friend of Education, rode on a float at the Interlaken Heritage Days Parade on June 10.
The Fairmont Area School Board will meet tomorrow night, Tuesday, June 13 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall. All community members are welcome to attend. Board Agenda: http://fairmontareaschools.portal.rschooltoday.com/sites/fairmontareaschools.portal.rschooltoday.com/files/files/Private_User/Kopischke.Judy/Board%20Agenda%20-%20June%2013.pdf
Photos from Fairmont Area Schools, District 2752's post
On Friday Mrs. Andersen's 3rd grade class spent the morning writing and drawing their favorite memories from this school year. During their class graduation, students walked down "memory lane" to receive their award. It was a fun last day of school filled with many laughs and smiles.
Miss Olson's 4th Grade Class
Last day of school fun in Miss Olson's room. Playing Minute To Win It. Taking the party bus to the park!
Photos from Fairmont Area Schools, District 2752's post
Mrs. Brolsma's class read the story, "Marcell the Shell" and made their own Marcels to remind them that that "they are who they are, and that is wonderful!!" The children had fun designing bedrooms, toys, and other creations for their Marcel. :)
Mrs Walters' 1st Grade Class
Mrs. Walters' class enjoyed their last day of school! We had our "water olympics" which included beach ball relays, water balloon toss, and squirt tag! The students said their favorite part was when Mrs. Walters had a bucket of water dumped on her head!
Fairmont Elementary Peace Rally