The Break Room Fairbanks
6 Tables
3-9' tables
2-7' tables
1-8' coin op table
Hourly rates
1 player - $7 hr
2 players - $10 hr
3+ players - $13 hr
Prices are per table All ages Smoke Free billiard hall - food & drinks - darts & video games -
equipment sales & sevice
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facebook.comIdk if I need any more likes or follows for The Break Room page. I think this is a solid number...
A little pre season maintenance. All the tables will get a little treatment this week...
Thursday night football at The Break Room. Come play pool and root for your team!
The Break Room will be closed tonight from 630-9 pm for a BCA pool association meeting at The round up on south Cushman. Sorry for any inconvenience.
We're past the halfway point of the month already and haven't moved a lot of 50/50 spots at The Break Room! There are plenty of spots available for you to get and take your chance to win the cash! There's still time, let's fill the board!
Coming up for the winter season! The Break Room winter weekend tournaments! watch the comments for the flyer!
And we're getting our cable tv back tomorrow, so that means a winter full of sports events on the tube...can you even call it 'the tube' anymore? I mean they're all flat screens and have no tubes in them. Well, anyway, SPORTS TV at The Break Room once again!
Ooooohh we got our hot dog machine back. And soon we will have our kitchen open again for your lunch hour! Come and get it!
We still have plenty of space left on this 50/50 board. If we fill it, we're giving away $1000 cash plus a new pool cue and case! It's easy! All you have to do is buy your spot for $25! Or as many spots as you want! We're opening 100 spots each month for the giveaway, and last months winner got around $200 already! Don't miss out!
FYI- The general membership meeting for the Fairbanks Pool Association BCA league is at 7 pm tonight at The Round Up on South Cushman! I encourage any and all players looking to put a team together or join a team to attend! The Break Room will be closed for the duration of the meeting so our staff and players can be there. Sorry for any inconvenience, but this will be a critical meeting for players and teams.
The Break Room has a great show coming up in a few weeks, Fairbanks! Share the flyer with ALL your friends!
Opened up some floor space for a couple more tables. In case we get a couple more soon...