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First United Methodist Church - Eufaula

101 E Barbour St, Eufaula, United States
Religious Organization



The mission of First United Methodist Church is to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our church, community and world.


Timeline Photos

Happy Mother's Day!

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

We will honor our graduating high school seniors this Sunday, May 14. Congratulations and blessings to each of you!

Timeline Photos

2017 Annual Conference

FUMC ladies, don't forget the bridal shower for Emily Irvin Curran Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m!

Well, it's that time of year... Please see the following message from our pastor. Dear Friends, With feelings of sadness along with feelings of trust in the providence of God, I want to inform you that I will be appointed to another congregation beginning July 1, 2017. As you know, United Methodist clergy are part of an itinerant system. Our pastors are members of an annual conference, and through our annual conference we are part of a connection of local churches. United Methodist pastors are appointed by our Bishop in consultation with our District Superintendents. When the Bishop and District Superintendents prayerfully discuss the pastoral needs of the annual conference as a whole, sometimes clergy who are not planning to be appointed to another congregation are still called to move to another church. This is the case with Eufaula First. This move is not one that our Staff-Parish Relations committee or I initiated, but we will trust in the grace and providence of God. Eufaula First is a wonderful congregation. You have been affirming of my ministry and a blessing to me and my family. We love you. God has a wonderful plan for the future of Eufaula First to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our church, community, and world. The good news is that God is still God. This congregation has had a history of fruitful ministry and faithful pastors long before I was appointed here, and I am confident that God will continue to provide for and bless Eufaula First in the future with great pastors. In Christ, Scott

Good Friday Worship

Good Friday Worship

Holy Thursday Communion Service

Holy Thursday Communion Service

Another update! Because of Wednesday's expected bad weather and the fact that schools are closed, our Wednesday meal and other activities are cancelled EXCEPT hand bells and chancel choir. Those two groups will meet at their regular times. Please share! Thanks!

Due to the possibility of severe weather on Wednesday, Men's Breakfast has been cancelled. Our internet is out so we are unable to send an email, so PLEASE share this info with anyone who usually attends!

FUMC Eufaula Youth Ministry

FUMC Eufaula Youth Ministry

FUMC Eufaula Youth Ministry

Our youth have an awesome summer ahead of them! Come join the fun!

FUMC Eufaula Youth Ministry

The United Methodist Church


NEAR First United Methodist Church - Eufaula