Screamers Haunted House
Screamers Haunted House is located in Elwood, IN.
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facebook.comScreamers Haunted House now has a new snapchat! Add it for sneak peeks on for next years haunting attractions, special offers, videos and pictures from inside the haunt and much more! Make-sure to follow and subscribe to this page for more fun from Screamers! Thanks for the support!
Come and see us before it's too late. Don't miss out on this season.
Some of our ghouls... Come out and meet our whole demented family. We would love to have you over for dinner...
Screamers had a lot of fun with this awesome family!! See you next year!!
We know who you are, we know who was involved. We have video evidence. Put it back in our mail slot anonymously and we will let this go away. If not, you will be prosecuted.
Come out and see us!!
Come join us tonight... She's waiting for you!!
Thanks for taking your last ride with us. And for choosing Screamers as your very first haunt!!
Join us!
Haunted House
Opening night is tomorrow... Actors should be at the haunted at 7:00... Doors open at 8:00. See you there!!
Opening night is tomorrow... actors should be there at 7:00. Doors open at 8:00. Come join us and get your scare on!!