Elmira City School District
The Elmira City School District is in the Southern Tier of New York, with 6,000 students, 1,000 staff and 11 schools.
The Elmira City School District welcomes the community’s contributions to its Facebook Page through the use of comments. Community-contributed comments are solely the opinion of the author and do not represent the Elmira City School District. Thank you in advance for your positive contributions to our Facebook page.
This Facebook page is operated by the Elmira City School District. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or delete comments or posts, photos and videos at any time.
Basic ground rules:
• No profanity.
• No personal attacks on any person, student, staff or community member.
• Offending posts will be deleted immediately.
• No business advertising. This Facebook page is dedicated to district happenings and topics.
• Do not use the Elmira City School District Facebook page in place of standard communication practices, such as contacting your school principal to share personal issues and concerns.
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facebook.comCongratulations to a former Elmira Express student athlete who committed to play football for D1 UConn. Way to go Eli. #GoExpress.
Looking for activities for your teens? Check out the YW for camps that start next week. Call the YW at 607-733-5575
Just a reminder that there is a free summer feeding program for students throughout Chemung County. YWCA Elmira and the Twin Tiers is one location. Today was Taco Tuesday!!!
Congratulations to the Class of 2017. #letstakeaselfie #classof2017
Now streaming EHS Graduation at http://www.elmiracityschools.com/graduation.cfm
The Elmira High School Commencement ceremony will be streamed to the Internet starting at approximately 6:50pm. You can view the live stream at http://www.elmiracityschools.com/graduation.cfm
The Elmira High School Commencement ceremony will be streamed to the Internet starting at approximately 6:50pm on 6/23/17. A link to the live stream on our website will be posted on Facebook tomorrow before the ceremony.
Diven Elementary School hosted Super Goal Medal Day recently. Families were invited into classrooms to celebrate their child's yearlong accomplishments in head and heart learning goals. Together, they reflected on achieved goals and selected the most joyful part of the school year to write and draw about. Each Dolphin earned a joyful super hero pin for his/her cape and made a "Super Hero Super Dolphin" medal to wear home. It has been a wonderful year of learning and growing for the Super Hero Super Dolphins at Diven Elementary School
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