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Superior Health & Fitness

1007 N Main St, Elk City, United States
Outdoor, Recreation & Fitness



* Monthly Rates*
Single rate 61.00
Couple rate 79.00
Corp single 53.00
Corp couple 63.00
Student 49.00
Pool pass 6.00
Day pass 8.00
1 Week 25.00
2 Weeks 30 Superior Health & Fitness is a privately owned fitness center. We offer a fully stocked weight room with free weights, cable weights, pin and plate loaded machines, squat rack, hack squat, smith machine, leg press and more. We also offer a separate women only fitness room with a multi-station cable machine, free weights and treadmill. We offer a variety of cardio equipment such as treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, and rowing machines. Our heated indoor pool is available for use year round. Both men's and women's locker rooms are equipped with showers, hot tubs and dry saunas. We have an on staff NASM certified Personal Trainer as well as a certified Massage Therapist.

**Class Schedules**
Zumba: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday  @ 6 p.m.

Morning Water Aerobics: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday @ 9 a.m.
Evening Water Aerobics: Monday & Thursday @ 6:30 p.m.


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