Skelly Elementary School
Welcome to Skelly Elementary School, home of the Skelly Panthers!
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facebook.comPTO meeting tonight at 5:30. UPDATE: THERE WILL BE CHILD CARE. Site Council meeting follows at 6:30.
Calendar Change: Our next PTO meeting will be MONDAY JANUARY 9, 2017 AT 5:30. Hope to see you there.
Fundraiser is in! Come to the school by 5PM to pick up your items!
Timeline Photos
Come out and see your favorite Skelly teachers at McDonalds tonight from 5-9 PM! Our teachers will be making food and taking orders and 10% of all sales between 5-9 PM go back to the school. The class with the most participation gets a happy meal party so we hope to see everyone there!
PTO meeting tonight at 5:30. Child care will be provided. Hope to see you there.
Just a quick reminder that the fundraiser is due Tuesday 9/27.
A quick reminder that Math/Reading Night is tonight from 5:30 to 6:30. The book fair will be open during this time. If you don't make it to the book fair tonight, it is open everyday after school until 4. Also, the fundraiser starts today!
Photos from Skelly Elementary School's post
Grandparents tea and cookies was today. All of the kids were excited to have their grandparents in the building!
Reminder: Grandparent's Tea today at 2:30. Hope to see lots of Grandparents there.
PTO meeting tonight at 5:30! Child care will be provided. We hope to see everyone there!
2016-17 School Year