Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service-Hidalgo County
Welcome to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Hidalgo County Welcome to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Hidalgo County
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is a statewide educational agency linked in a unique partnership with the nationwide United States Department of Agriculture’s Cooperative System and the Hidalgo County Commissioners Court.
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facebook.comChili Relleno Casserole Source: Kids Cook Monday, The Monday Campaigns “Relleno” means stuffed in Spanish, and this dish transforms all the delicious parts of chiles rellenos (stuffed chile peppers) into an easy-to-make casserole. View recipe https://bit.ly/2uhlv7Q Link to graphic
Fill Half Your Plate with Fruits and Veggies Source: Produce for Better Health Foundation USDA's MyPlate says fill half your plate with fruits and veggies. Our sponsors want to show you how. See our featured "plates" below and get info on how to recreate each one! We've provided a recipe, nutrition info, cost analysis, and a shopping list for each healthy plate. View Full Article https://bit.ly/2xIPgyq Link to graphic
9 Ways to Reduce Dementia Risk Source: University of California, Berkeley About one-third of dementia cases could potentially be prevented by improving nine modifiable risk factors, concluded a 2017 report from a panel of international experts published in The Lancet. The nine ways to reduce risk are to increase... View Full Article https://bit.ly/2pMmRBZ
Application Deadline has been EXTENDED! Healthy South Texas Youth Ambassador applications are now due Tuesday, May 1, 2018! For an application, email Esly Reyes at esly.reyes@ag.tamu.edu or Amy Valdez at amy.valdez@ag.tamu.edu
What's your t-score? Bone density scans for osteoporosis Source: Harvard University Several technologies can assess bone density, but the most common is known as dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). For this procedure, a machine sends x-rays through bones in order to calculate bone density. The process is quick, taking only five minutes. And it's simple: you lie on a table while a scanner passes over your body. While this technology can measure bone density at any spot in the body, it is usually used to measure it at the lumbar spine (in the lower back), hip (a specific site in the hip near the hip joint), and femoral neck (the top of the thighbone, or femur). View Full Article https://bit.ly/2Eeh4v4
Join our Master Gardeners for their Spring plant sale next Saturday, April 14th! 🌻🌷
5 ways to boost bone strength early Source: Harvard University The best prevention for bone-thinning osteoporosis begins early — during the first two decades of life, when you can most influence your peak bone mass by getting enough calcium and vitamin D and doing bone-strengthening exercise. If you are over age 20, there's no need to be discouraged. It's never too late to adopt bone-preserving habits. If you are a man younger than 65 or a premenopausal woman, these five strategies can help you shore up bone strength as a hedge against developing osteoporosis. View Full Article https://bit.ly/2pz2CbQ
Are you interested in community service? Looking at a career in the medical field? Apply today! For more information, email Esly Reyes at esly.reyes@ag.tamu.edu or Amy Valdez at amy.valdez@ag.tamu.edu
Remember to remove your ripe citrus by April 1st!
Join us for our Cinco De Mayo Dinner Tonight on May 3rd at The Old Church Winery at 700 N. Main Street McAllen,TX 78501. Register today at hidalgo.agrilife.org