Hidalgo County
Official Facebook Page for Hidalgo County, TX; visit www.co.hidalgo.tx.us for more information. Welcome to Hidalgo County’s official Facebook fan page! Here, you will find the most recent news, stories and trends related to Hidalgo County and our people. This site is maintained by the Hidalgo County Public Affairs Division.
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facebook.comHidalgo County offices will be closed on Monday, January 15 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 16, 2018.
If you're traveling through Precinct 1, use caution on Marlen Street North of Weslaco as crews work to improve the roads. 🚧🚙🚧
Hidalgo County offices will be closed on Monday, January 15 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 16, 2018.
FLU CASES ON THE RISE; HEALTH OFFICIALS SAY PREVENTION IS KEY Hidalgo County health officials report a major increase in flu activity and urges residents to get vaccinated and take precaution to prevent illness. Health and Human Services Chief Administrative Officer Eduardo “Eddie” Olivarez said local hospitals and medical facilities and health officials along the U.S.-Mexico border are reporting an uptake in flu cases. “The increase in influenza cases mirrors what is happening statewide,” said Olivarez. “Not only did the 2017-2018 flu season start early, but we are seeing increased doctor visits and hospitalizations.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu season usually peaks in February, however, this year many states, including Texas, are already reporting widespread flu activity. Since November, the Health and Human Services Department has seen an increase in influenza-like illness, cases in Hidalgo County, particularly in elementary schools. Getting vaccinated is the first and most important step in protecting against this serious disease. The Health Department offers the vaccine for $20 for adults and $15 for children, if uninsured, at county health clinics. Some clients with insurance, CHIP and Medicaid may qualify to receive the vaccine at no cost. Visit www.hchd.org for clinic listings and contact information. Residents may also choose to obtain the vaccine at other locations, including physician offices and pharmacies. Visit www.flu.gov for flu updates and information. The best way to stay healthy is to follow the 3 C’s: cover, clean and contain. Residents are urged to cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough in order to avoid spreading germs. You should also clean your hands frequently with soap and water. And finally, if you have flu systems, contain the infection by staying home from work or school; influenza requires 4-5 days of bed rest, with a physician’s approval. Symptoms of influenza include high fever (between 100°-104°), body aches and listlessness. Children and the elderly are the most vulnerable to the virus. If you feel you have the flu, you are encouraged to contact your physician immediately and schedule an appointment.
Our live stream is up and running. You can watch Commissioner Court on our website www.hidalgocounty.us/HClive.
Please note that due to technical difficulties, we will not be live-streaming today's Drainage District and Commissioners Court meetings. If the issue is resolved, prior to the end of today's meetings, we will immediately begin the live-stream. A complete video of the meeting will be available on our YouTube channel, county website and on KMBH Cable Ch. 10 on Thursday at 9 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Precinct 1 holds a food drive in Hargill! This is the latest from Pct. 1 Minute News.
Easy tips from Precinct 4 on submitting Work Orders!
The project is a partnership between Precinct 2, City of San Juan, the Boys & Girls Club or Pharr, and the Hidalgo County Urban County Program, which funded the project for an estimated $750,000. Commissioner Eduardo " Eddie" Cantu, who was a Boys & Girls Club child growing up, knew that besides drainage and road repairs his Precinct needed more places for local children to gather after school. His office began working with the city and the club to create a place that would serve the children in the north part of the Precinct. The 5,925-square-foot Boys and Girls Club includes two spacious learning centers, an arts and crafts room, a teenagers' game room, a youth game room, a technology center, a full kitchen and cafeteria. The annual membership fee is $30. For more information, please call 956-784-3504.