Quad City Speedway - K & S Promotions
K & S Promotions promotes stock car racing at the Quad City Speedway in East Moline, Illinois, on Sunday nights at the Rock Island County Fairgrounds. Racing weekly: IMCA Late Models, IMCA Modifieds, IMCA Sport Mods, Street Stocks, Mod Lites & 4 Cyls.
Pits - 3:00pm
Grandstands - 3:30pm
Driver's Meeting - 5:00pm
Hot Laps - 5:15pm
Racing follows hot laps
Admission: (Special event admission prices may vary)
Adults - $10
Seniors - $8
Reserved Seating - $12
Kids 6 to 12 - $5
Kids 5 & under - Free
Pit Pass - $25
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Photos from Quad City Speedway - K & S Promotions's post
July 20th 2017!
Timeline Photos
July 2nd Feature Winners Chad Holladay - Eriksen Chevrolet IMCA Late Models Milo Veloz - Iowa Illinois Pest Control IMCA Modifieds Joe Bonney - Weber Auto Street Stocks Jared Waterman - Dynamic Power IMCA Sport Mods RJ Gonzales - Epic Stone Mod Lites Josh Werkmeiseter - Topperts 4 Cylinders
UP AND COMING EVENTS: Sunday July 9th, 2017 Racing all six divisins: IMCA Late Models, IMCA Modifieds, IMCA Sport Mods, Street Stocks, Mod Lites, and 4 Cylinders. Pit gates open at 3:00 P.M. Grandstands 3:30 P.M. Drivers meeting 5:00 P.M. Hot Laps at 5:15 P.M., racing to follow: Pit Passes $25.00 Grandstands $10.00 Reserved Seating: $12.00 Seniors $8.00 Children: 6-12 $5.00 Children: 5 and under Free Come on out and join the excitement Please visit our website at www.qcspeedwayracing.com
LATE MODEL Car # Driver Total 39 Toland, Rob 352 o7 Ryan, Matt 352 11 Toland, Bobby 311 W56 Webb, Gary 308 56D Denning, Travis 283 53 Brenner, Leroy 231 75M Malmstrom, Todd 230 6 Chenoweth, Jay 229 7 Nezworski, Andy 206 77 Beal, Joe 188 65 Hanna, Chuck 153 35 Phil Anderson 152 5 Lewis, Shaune 132 32C Holladay, Chad 115 58 Hurst, Jeremiah 115 Z Zemo, Mike Jr. 99 70 Mulvany, Shawn 87 19 Pestka, Kelly 87 17 Dennis, Tim 84 13 Coyne, Chad 71 65M Meiner, Brian 68 14 Jackson, BJ 61 Z50 Zrostlik,, Joe 59 3 Cothran, Mike 51 22B Brauns, Jonathan 50 99d DeFrance, Darrell 43 99 Sobbing, Jesse 42 21M Merfeld, Luke 37 28C Guss, Ray, Jr. 36 14J Neal, Jake 36 35 Most, Josh 35 99 Pestka, Luke 34 12 Donnie Pataska 33 95 Sanders, Eric 31 15C Schroeder, Curt 30 10C Carter, Cayden 29 45 Martin, Curt 29 10T Tharp, Jeff 27 44 Goedert, Luke 25 23 Conrad, Paul 21 IMCA MODIFIED Car # Driver Total 1 Barnes, Eric 321 3G Garnhart, Bryce 306 93 Werner, Matt 306 40 Crampton, Doug 300 99 Toland, Robert 300 15D Durbin, Brandon 296 8 Durbin, Greg 289 89 Patz. TJ 269 17 Pershy, Jason 245 29 Crawford, Craig 241 V Veloz, Milo 240 8L Lawrence, Chris 234 38J Sandusky, Jim 225 19C VerVynck, Mark 223 9C Vela, Richard 187 47 Warner, Andy 178 37 Gustaf, Steven 168 MO Ahlers, John 153 81C Franks, Casey 152 85 Bushong, Leland 143 55C Coplay, Jacob 97 5X Classen, Jeff 73 12H Hayden, Dakota 60 G1 Garland, Mike 54 18JR Rentfro, TROY 54 96 Bahrs, Jason 46 92 Most, Josh 33 X1 McMahill, Ron 31 6 Baumann, Brock 31 21C Tucker, Chad 30 85 Bushong, Brian 28 57 Hamburg, Tim 27 34T Thompson, Derek 27 4 Baumann, Cody 24 4x Helm, Dalon 23 2 Fulton, Matt 22 7 Helm, Dan 19 Sport Mods Car # Driver Total 92 Schram, Dustin 313 333 Wages, Rick 285 oo7 Norton, David 284 8 Schriner, Rick 274 12 Coppejans, Jared 273 88JR Grimm, Trey 272 o3 Wages, Casey 268 43 Veloz, Justin 240 2 Whittington, Jacob 229 75D Edwards, Dawson 213 4G Goben, Kevin 202 25 Jewell, Brandon 191 21C Hustin, Chance 178 21W Weatherington, Gary 177 20B Burke, Andrew 167 F79 Forbes, Dustin 150 8C Clentenen, DJ Jr.. 114 613 Hahn, Dan 99 4 Waternan, Jared 97 0 Nylin, Rob 93 113 Pappas, Shawn 87 14 Wise, Drew 68 6B Justin Beighle 66 39R Powell, Rance 62 C9 Cole, Brandt 60 R2 Reed, Ryan 56 1H Haines, Mike 54 38 Comins, Brandon 50 3T Soppe, Tyler 40 32 Smith. Jake 39 1 Gear, Jeff 36 65 Engelkin, Dave 34 5C Clebtenen, Darren 33 32 Thompson, James 32 B4 Cole, Don 32 88F Fryer, Jaden 32 88T Sorn, Tim 32 B33 Calam, Cody 30 B4 Bert, Jason 30 8 Repa, Kevin 29 72 Paul, Jr. Virgil 28 36N Nimitz, Joe 26 B4 Guss, Anthony 26 28 Salibury, Brad 25 41 Lyon, Colin 22 74 Burkhead, Doug 18 STREET STOCK Car # Driver Total 21 Blum, Keith 328 76 Fox, Chuck 293 1 Nylin, Rob 282 OO Henry, Rob 271 50 Anderson, Mark 269 70 Bonney, Joe 262 02b Anderson, Mike 261 8H Hickenbottom, Kyler 192 77X Setser, Brandon 186 10G Gellerstedt, Perry 168 85 Turner, Ron 155 29 Huston, Zach 117 4S Struck,Jeff 109 78 Lawrence, Nick 97 22 Williams, Cord 63 85 Turner, Erick 62 81 Brown, Cary 39 3 Smith, Dwayne, Jr. 37 83 Comins, Jimmy 37 14 Sanders, Eric 33 4 CYLINDER Car # Driver Total 7X Harding, Rob Jr. 321 70 Stogdell, Ken 310 21 Weikmeister, Josh 300 513 Lane, Josh 296 c58 Carpenter, Trever 291 o5 Barsema, Jason 284 22 Begyn, Dustin 278 151 Dennis, Mark 236 33 Brewster, Cody 227 115X Wisdon,Mike 218 o9R Rangel, Steven 203 112 Guyton, Catherine 201 716 Schork, Charles 190 20KB Benningfield, Lisa 183 14J Proehl, Nick 177 S07 Sharpe, Josh 173 47 Adams, Thomas 170 54F Francis, Andrew 147 257 Hines, Todd 118 509 Stogdell, Eric 116 o7 Dillon, Dan 111 F79 Forbes, Dustin 110 32 Schipper, Clint 97 125T Sibley, Tim 97 3M Marshall, Brett 84 61 Clark, Tristan 69 c22 Poci, Cameron 41 F79 Stanely, Josh 40 32X Rhoads, Kyle 37 17 Newbury 37 45M Marshall, Brian 35 21C Bodeen, Ken 34 87 Keiser, Seth 32 112 Ashpaugh, Cody 31 125 Sibley, Todd 31 21C Huston, Ericka 31 88C Campbell, Dan 30 4D Porter, Dustin 27 513S Sexton,Andrew 27 513S Morrow, Mike 20 86R Roose, James 17 Mod Lite Car # Driver Total 39G Gonzales, RJ 312 66 Strayer, Mitch 280 9 Bahrs, Jason 279 111 Morse, Guy 241 11P Padilla, Jon 234 28P Peterson, Jeffrey 230 25m Harmining, Buck 222 12 Blum, Carl 169 22 Nelson, Dave 167 5 Domingues, Mike 145 5B Tipps, Brian 128 17M Morrow, Mike 108 157 Morehouse, Clint 101 0 Sappington, Scott, Jr. 97 64 Bryan, Randy 80 30 Masengarb, Jason 79 2 Schnell, Brian 58 21C Huston, Chance 55 82 Brown, Charlie 42 4 Nance, Brian 35 31 Utter, Jason 32 X50 Huggins, Joe 30
7-2-17 Quad City Speedway Feature Results Toppert Services 4 Cylinder Make Up 1st 21 Josh Werkmeister 2nd 7x Rob Harding Jr 3rd 05 Jason Barsema 4th c58 Trever Carpenter 5th 70 Ken Stogdell 6th 151 Mark Dennis 7th 115x Mike Wisdom 8th 14j Nick Proehl 9th 716 Charles Schork 10th 112 Cody Ashbaugh 11th f79 Dustin Forbes 12th 09r Steven Rangel 13th 33 Cody Brewster 14th 513 Josh Lane 15th 257 Todd Hines 16th 20kb Lisa Benningfiels 17th 54f Andrew Francis (DNS) 18th 07 Dan Dillon (DNS) Heat Race Winners: Josh Werkmeister, Cody Brewster, Charles Schork Eriksen Chevrolet IMCA Late Models 1st 32c Chad Holladay 2nd 39 Rob Toland 3rd 07 Matt Ryan 4th w56 Gary Webb 5th 11 Bobby Toland 6th 6 Jay Chenoweth 7th 53 Leroy Brenner 8th 70 Shawn Mulvaney 9th 65 Brian Meiners 10th 95 Eric Sanders 11th 77 Joe Beal 12th 14 BJ Jackson Heat Race Winners: Gary Webb & Chad Holladay Iowa Illinois Termite and Pest Control IMCA Modifieds 1st V Milo Veloz Jr 2nd 17 Jason Pershy 3rd 15d Brandon Durbin 4th 99 Rob Toland 5th 3g Bryce Garnhart 6th 8 Greg Durbin 7th 93 Matt Werner 8th 40 Doug Crampton 9th 1 Eric Barnes 10th 29 Craig Crawford 11th 21c Chad Tucker 12th 96 Jason Bahrs 13th 89 TJ Patz 14th 9c Richard Vela 15th 12h Dakota Hayden 16th 37 Steve Gustaf 17th M0 John Ahlers 18th 38j Jim Sandusky 19th 2 Matt Fulton 20th 47 Andy Warner 21st 19c Mark Vervynck 22nd 81c Casey Franks Heat Race Winners: Milo Veloz, Mark Vervynck, & Jason Pershy Weber Auto Street Stocks 1st 70 Joe Bonner 2nd 21 Keith Blum 3rd 76 Chuck Fox 4th 02b Mike Anderson 5th 50 Mark Anderson 6th 1 Rob Nylin 7th 22 Cord Williams 8th 00 Rob Henry 9th 85 Erick Turner 10th 10g Perry Gellerstedt 11th 29 Zach Huston Heat Race Winners: Rob Nylin & Keith Blum Dynamic Power Racing Tech. IMCA Sport Mods 1st 4 Jared Waterman 2nd 4g Kevin Goben 3rd 21c Chance Huston 4th 92 Dustin Schram 5th 8 Rock Schriner 6th 12 Jared Coppejans 7th 25 Brandon Jewell 8th 75d Dawson Edwards 9th 32 James Thompson 10th 88jr Trey Grimm 11th b33 Cody Calam 12th 007 David Norton 13th 43 Justin Veloz 14th 03 Casey Wages 15th F79 Dustin Forbes DQ 333 Rick Wages DQ 20b Jake Whittington Heat Race Winners: Rick Wages, Brandon Jewell, Trey Grimm Epic Stone Mod Lites 1st 39g RJ Gonzales 2nd 111 Guy Morse 3rd 17m Mike Morrow 4th 4 Randy Bryan 5th 28p Jeffrey Peterson 6th 66 Mitch Strayer 7th 31 Jason Utter DQ 22 David Nelson Heat Race Winner: RJ Gonzales Toppert Services 4 Cylinders 1st 21 Josh Werkmeister 2nd 22 Dustin Begyn 3rd F79 Dustin Forbes 4th 14j Nick Proehl 5th 05 Jason Barsema 6th 513 Josh Lane 7th c58 Trever Carpenter 8th 716 Charles Schork 9th 70 Ken Stogdell 10th 125 Todd Sibley 11th 112 Cody Ashpaugh 12th s07 Josh Sharpe 13th 20kb Lisa Benningfield 14th 4d Dustin Porter 15th 257 Todd Hines 16th 151 Mark Dennis 17th 115x Mike WIsdom 18th 7x Rob Harding Jr 19th 09r Steven Rangel Heat Race Winners: Trever Carpenter, Mark Dennis, & Josh Werkmeister
Photos from Quad City Speedway - K & S Promotions's post
Attn: Drivers Quad City Speedway invites all drivers for a free night without registration. Come check us out.
UP AND COMING EVENTS: Sunday July 2nd, 2017 Racing all six divisins: IMCA Late Models, IMCA Modifieds, IMCA Sport Mods, Street Stocks, Mod Lites, and 4 Cylinders. Plus Make up Feature for 4 Cylinders Pit gates open at 3:00 P.M. Grandstands 3:30 P.M. Drivers meeting 5:00 P.M. Hot Laps at 5:15 P.M., racing to follow: Pit Passes $25.00 Grandstands $10.00 Reserved Seating: $12.00 Seniors $8.00 Children: 6-12 $5.00 Children: 5 and under Free Come on out and join the excitement Please visit our website at www.qcspeedwayracing.com
Chris Damitz Photography
Timeline Photos
June 25th Feature winners 07 Matt Ryan - Eriksen Chevrolet IMCA Late Models 1 Eric Barnes - Iowa Illinois Pest Control IMCA Modifieds 21 Keith Blum - Weber Auto Street Stocks 92 Dustin Schram - Dynamic Power Sport Mods 39g RJ Gonzales - Epic Stone Mod Lites
4 Cylinders ONLY. This was brought to my attention. What if we did heat races and then did ONE feature for double pay and double points? There are some things we would have to do. 1. Let anyone that did not race last week buy in as it is still Mid Season Championship. 2. We would still have to do line up by points. 3. Time permitted we could try to do Driver interductions. 4. I would do my best to move you up in the program this week, but not first. 5. I will not start any more than 24 cars. Like I said this is 4 Cylinders only and I only want to hear from the drivers that raced their heats on Sunday June 25, 2017. IT WILL SAVE TIME AND YOUR EQUIPMENT.