AirLine Cycles
AirLine Cycles is a full service bicycle shop located in East Hampton, CT. We offer new and used bikes, parts, accessories, service, and bike rentals.
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facebook.comTriathlon Q&A with Coach Kelli, Pro Triathlete
This week at AirLine Cycles: - Tuesday, we sweat and grumble about the heat. - Wednesday 6PM, Triathlon Q&A with Coach Kelli. Also at 6PM, intermediate and faster road rides. - Thursday 615 mountain bike ride at Hurd. Hope to see you all this week!
Team Store
Online clothing store closes today, last chance for Stage 1/Airline Cycles clothing... I will have some items in store, but this is the end of the discounted pricing initial buy in!
Team Store
Update 1: Next week's triathlon Q&A with Coach Kelli is WEDNESDAY night.. sorry for the mix-up. Update 2: Tonight we ride mountain bikes, 615 departure from the shop! Update 3: Only a few days left t pick up some sweet Stage 1/AirLine Cycles cycling gear! Shop online at…/stage-1-airline-cycles/show and the kit should be here by early July.
Triathlon Q&A with Coach Kelli, Pro Triathlete
Bring your triathlon training and racing questions and Coach Kelli will be on hand to answer them. Whether you are new to the sport or a seasoned competitor, you'll come away with helpful information. Coach Kelli Montgomery is a Pro Off-Road Triathlete and has 20+ years of coaching and racing all distances and types of triathlons. She is a USA Level 2 Certified Coach and mother of two mountain bike racing boys.
Timeline Photos
Congratulations to Airline buddy Matt Peters on finishing the Dirty Kanza 200 today! That's 200+ miles of gravel roads with plenty of climbing...very impressive! These East Hampton hills trained you well! Also, good luck to all the Airline/ Stage 1 Cycling Team folks racing tomorrow in Rhode Island, including Rob, Kelli, Brian, and our newest shop friend (and future team racer, we hope) Sara H who picked up a sweet new Liv mountain bike today!
Team Store
It actually stopped raining, so tonight we ride mountain bikes, 615 at Hurd! But even more exciting, the AirLine Cycles/Stage 1 team clothing is NOW AVAILABLE! There is a link to order below, and the clothes will be delivered to the shop within about a month. You do NOT need to be a team member to order clothes and support your friendly neighborhood bike shop AirLine Cycles and the Stage 1 Cycling Team. Once again, huge thanks to Giant Bicycles and East Hampton's own Fat Orange Cat Brew Co. for their support of our team! The image below shows a few items, but we've got men's and women's jerseys, bib shorts, vests, long sleeves, jackets, and more! Sample sizes for try-on are available at the shop as well. the online store will be open for about a week, so get those orders in if you;'re interested!
Timeline Photos
On behalf of the AirLine Cycles family, we wish you a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend...and please remember that our freedom to spend the weekend riding bikes and BBQing came at the ultimate price for so many fallen Americans. The shop will be open 10-4 on Saturday, but closed on Sunday and Monday.
Stage 1 Cycling Team
Woohoo, the new Airline Cycles/Stage 1 team and club clothing is almost ready to order! I'm also very excited that the kit will be proudly featuring our friends at Fat Orange Cat Brew Co. who will be supporting our team/club!
Rain rain go away, I want to ride mountain bikes today! Sad to say that it looks like the Thursday night ride is rained out. Even if it is not actively raining at 6, the trails will be really wet, and I'd rather not risk trail damage. While we wait for drier conditions, here's some cool video from a shop friend taken at Hurd a week or so ago...
Timeline Photos
This weekend at AirLine Cycles, we want your trade-ins! Bring your used bike by for an evaluation, and trade it in towards a new Giant or Jamis bike! Also, all skateboards and skate gear is 35% off! We are open 10-4 on Saturday and 12-4 on Sunday. (Used bike trade-ins must be bike-shop brands... sorry, we can't take in any department store bikes at this time.)
Tonight we ride mountain bikes! Fast crew can meet up with Jake at Day Pond main lot at 615. Good looking crew meets here at the shop, 615 departure for some fun on the Salmon River trails. Hope you can make it. Bring water, going to be a cooker!
Wednesday Ride May 17
Beautiful day for a ride! Tonight we ride road bikes, except when we don't. :) Two group road rides depart from the shop at 6PM. The fast crew will take on a 28 mile hilly loop, while the not as fast group will take on a slightly less hilly 26 mile route. Details on the route are provided below via the Ride With GPS website. fast group: Not quite as fast group: If you are in the mood for a mellower AirLine Trail ride, a group of shop friends are headed out from the Cranberry bog at about 630 for a 10 mile jaunt, and folks are welcome to join them and meet some awesome people.