Al-Huda Academy
Al-Huda Academy is a full-time Islamic School serving preschool to fourth grade in the Raleigh-Durham metro area. Contact us
Tell your friends
facebook.comOnly a few spots left for the 2016/17 school year! Please email us if you are interested in enrolling your child. School starts August 11th!
Click here to support Al-Huda Academy - New Year Fund by Issam Elbaytam
AA Parents and Community Members, Please consider donating even just $5 to our fund to help AHA purchase new materials and make some minor repairs to our facility in preparation for the 2016-17 school year. As you know, Al-Huda Academy keeps tuition low to make sure any family who wants their children to have an Islamic Education can have one. Therefore, we rely on the donations of our incredible community and parents to help offset the many costs incurred during the school year. Again, even a few dollars can go a long way to supporting this cause. Don't know much about Al-Huda? Check out our video in the video section of our page to learn what makes us so special and why Islamic Education is a gift all our children deserve.
Click here to support Al-Huda Academy - New Year Fund by Issam Elbaytam
Asalammu Alaikom Al Huda Academy Parents, Friends and Community Members! Your financial support is greatly needed to ensure another successful year of education for our dear students before August 11 the first day of school! Immediate needs include desks and chairs for our students, and to paint the classrooms. Please contribute and spread the word as widely as you can. Please share on Facebook. Donations are tax deductible. Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your continued support!
Click here to support Al-Huda Academy - New Year Fund by Issam Elbaytam
Asalammu Alaikom Al Huda Parents, Friends and Community Members: your financial support is greatly needed to ensure another successful year of education for our dear students. We need funds for painting and new furniture! Please contribute and spread the word as widely as you can. Please share on Facebook. Donations are tax deductible. Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your continued support!
Click here to support Al-Huda Academy - New Year Fund by Issam Elbaytam We need your support to start the new school year. Our school needs painting, repairs and furniture, urgently. Please contribute and share with your friends and family.
Al Huda Academy | Enrollment
Al Huda Academy is still accepting applications for enrollment. Currently we have openings in our Pre-K half day, Kindergarten, 2-5 grades. Reserve your child's spot today. To learn more about enrollment go to our website at or call 919-572-9500 between the hours of 8:30-4:30 PM.
Moving Up Ceremony
Al Huda Academy
Friends and Parents: Have you seen Al-Huda's school video? Share it with your network and help spread the word about why Al-Huda is so special! Use #DiscoverAlHudaDurham when sharing! ***And remember to let your friends know we have limited spots left for school year 2016/17. All children deserve an Al-Huda education! Spread the word today!
JazakaiAllahu Khair for another wonderful school year! Remember to tell your friends about Al-Huda and help us grow our wonderful community. As we grow, we will be able to offer more exciting programs and experiences to our students!
2015-2016 5th grade graduation
First graduating class
Al Huda Academy
Friends and Parents: Have you seen Al-Huda's school video? Share it with your network and help spread the word about why Al-Huda is so special! Use #DiscoverAlHudaDurham when sharing! ***And remember to let your friends know we have limited spots left for school year 2016/17. All children deserve an Al-Huda education! Spread the word today!
Al-Huda Academy
Parents: Check out our new website and leave a comment here letting us know what you think! Remember to check out the news section of the site frequently to see updates and messages from our administration and staff.