WWS Physical Therapy and Vestibular Rehabilitation
Specializing in Physical Therapy & Vestibular Rehabilitation
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facebook.comWWSPT will be Closed on Wednesday, March 21st, the First day of Spring, to welcome our 4th Nor’easter in Stay Safe! #WWSPT #WalkLikeAPenquin #WendyWebbSchoenewaldPhysicalTherapyandVestibularRehabilitation
Today, we join the women of the World and celebrate International Women's Day! We salute you and your accomplishments! We are very proud of the outstanding women at #WWSPT on #InternationalWomensDay and every day.
WWSPT will be Closed on Wednesday, March 7, in accordance with the BUCKS County, PA, State of Emergency. Stay Safe! #WWSPT #WalkLikeAPenquin #WendyWebbSchoenewaldPhysicalTherapyandVestibularRehabilitation
BPPV, Spinning, and Vertigo blog by Wendy Webb Schoenewald, PT, OCS #BPPV is A disorder of the inner ear that is the most common cause of episodic ##Vertigo, a false sensation of spinning. It is a mechanical disorder where calcium carbonate crystals (otoconia), that are normally embedded in gel substance in the utricle of the inner ear , become dislodged and migrate into one of the three fluid filled semicircular Canal's. Since these fluid filled canals are designed to sense rotational movement ,the #crystals which react to gravitational pull or pull of gravity , cause the nerve endings in the canal to be more excited than normal , resulting in a mismatch of information to the brain creating Nystagmus of the eyes, which create a false sense that the room is spinning. The most common symptom is a spinning sensation of vertigo but often patients have complained of feeling like they're falling even when they're laying down or describe feeling of walking like they are drunk. Vertigo events .... Learn more https://wwspt.com/bppv-spinning-vertigo/
Flu Season Colds and flu viruses can happen any time. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention have said that the number of states reporting heavy flu patient traffic is holding steady. #FluSeason TIPS to help you get through the rest of the Cold and Flu season: • Wash Your Hands • Use a Hand Sanitize • Cover That Cough/Sneeze • Avoid Touching Your Face • Don’t Share Food/Beverages • Get the Flu Shot • Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated • Get Plenty of Rest • Get Plenty of Exercise If you are experiencing cold/flu symptoms and are not getting any better or have concerns with symptoms, seek medical attention.
Dr. Kelsey Hanlon, PT, DPT, completes her blog series reviewing an article in Neurology Now. The article reviewed 3 popular diets; PYRAMID, MIND, and KETO and the affects to Brain and Health. Diet #3: Ketogenic Diet What it may protect against: Seizures in epilepsy for both adults and children, also in some cases migraines and other neurologic conditions Examples of foods consumed on this diet: cheese omelet with heavy cream... Read more: https://wwspt.com/ketogenic-diet-brain-health/ image via www.perfectfitnessmaster.com #KetogenicDiet #Brain #Health #WWSPT #neurologicconditions
The FDA announced the first blood test to aid in the evaluation of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), commonly referred to as concussion, in adults.. This new quick testing option will help reduce the need for CT scans, radiation exposure for patients. the FDA says “Helping to deliver innovative testing technologies that minimize health impacts to patients while still providing accurate and reliable results to inform appropriate evaluation and treatment is an FDA priority..." ##mTBI #concussion #CTscan #WWSPT #TraumaticBrainInjury https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm596531.htm image via thepinetree.net
Our condolences. We offer prayers for lives lost, injured victims, traumatized students,faculty, and families in Parkland, Florida, as they deal with the horrendous school shooting tragedy today. #ParklandStrong #WWST
Happy Valentine's Day from Wendy Webb Schoenewald Physical Therapy and Vestibular Rehabilitation! Let’s raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and save lives. Try to live a healthier lifestyle and make healthy choices. We cannot change things like age and family history, the good news is that even modest changes to our diet and lifestyle can improve our heart health and lower our risk by as much as 80 percent. #AmericanHeartMonth #ValentinesDay #heartdisease #stroke #WWSPT #HealthyAging #PhysicalTherapyDoylestownBucksCountyPennsylvania
What's on the MIND Diet? Brain Health and Diet ... by Dr. Kelsey Hanlon, PT, DPT, of #WWSPT The July 2017 issue of Neurology Now summarizes three diets that are thought to be beneficial for brain health. Last week we discussed the “Magic Diet” Disease Cure Mediterranean Pyramid Diet, now we review the MIND Diet. Diet #2: MIND Diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) Read more: https://wwspt.com/brain-health-diet/ Image via http://dyingandgrief.com/tag/the-mind-diet-summary
As we look forward to Valentine's Day, we are reminded that February is also American Heart Month! . Most of us know someone affected by heart disease or stroke. Approximately 2300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day,(1 death every 38 seconds). Let’s raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and save lives. Try to live healthier and make healthy choices. Since we cannot change things like age and family history, the good news is that even modest changes to one’s diet and lifestyle can improve one’s heart health and lower one’s risk by as much as 80 percent. #AmericanHeartMonth #ValentinesDay #heartdisease #stroke #WWSPT #HealthyAging #HealthyLifestyle
"Magic Food" or Secret Ingredient as cure for disease? There has been significant research over the last several years that correlates various diets with improvements in brain health. An article from July 2017 in Neurology Now summarizes three of these diets and their potential benefits for specific neurologic conditions. The authors are careful to state that more research needs to be done to explore various other factors such as age, gender, lifestyle, and ...#WWSPT #HealthyAging #Neurology #food Read more https://wwspt.com/magic-food-secret-ingredient-cure-variety-diseases/ Mediterranean diet pyramid image via healthjade.com