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Calvary Chapel Christian School Downey

12808 Woodruff Ave, Downey, United States
Private School



The official page of Calvary Chapel Christian School Downey At CCCS our desire is to provide a Christ-centered education for our children.  In other words, we want the Bible to be the central theme of all of their education and to fulfill our God-given mandate in Matthew 28:19-20.  We want all subjects to be measured by the standard of God’s Word and to teach our children creationism, morals, ethics and what it is to be an Acts 2:42 Christian!


Calvary Chapel Christian School-All Grades

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ELEMENTARY ANNOUNCEMENTS - WEEK OF 9/21/20: SEPTEMBER ESLR: This month’s ESLR is LIFELONG LEARNERS! Lifelong Learners are students who develop skills and techniques to equip them for a lifetime of learning in all areas of 21st century life. (Proverbs 1:5) “A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.” EXTREME WEATHER DRESS STANDARD: Since our sunny Southern California weather is sure to stay quite warm, we want the students to be comfortable while out on the playground. On hot days throughout the month of September, your child may wear a CCCS t-shirt or any Scripture t-shirt with uniform bottoms instead of their navy polo. For your convenience, the Chapel Store is offering a 15% discount on Scripture t-shirts to our Grizzly Families through the end of September. TRAFFIC CIRCLE DROP-OFF/PICK-UP: To be courteous of families waiting behind you, and to ensure the flow of traffic continues to move efficiently, please be sure your student has their backpack and belongings ready to exit the car quickly while in the traffic circle. You may not stop in the turn-around to get a backpack in the trunk of your car, or walk your student to the gate. If you need to assist your child to the gate, please park in the designated area in front of the church office. For safety purposes, children may not run through the traffic circle to exit or enter your parked car. ALLERGY & COLD SEASON: As we enter the time of the year when colds are more prevalent, be assured that our staff is taking every precaution to make sure that students are healthy enough to remain on campus. Temperatures will be assessed and any student with a fever will be required to go home to rest. As always, families will be notified if a communicable disease has been confirmed on campus. PROGRESS REPORTS: End of the Grading Period is This Friday, September 25. Remember, you can daily check your student’s progress by logging on to your parent portal. Any student who has dropped a grade in any subject or is currently earning below a C- will receive a hard copy progress report requiring a parent signature. FALL FUNDRAISER: • A special chapel will be held on Wednesday, September 30. Parents are encouraged to live stream the chapel at 10:50am. Packets will be sent home with your student after chapel. • All fundraiser order forms and monies need to be turned in no later than Thursday, October 22. Please note, all checks are made payable to CCCS. SENSORY SCREENING: Our annual sensory screening will be taking place on Thursday, October 8. Sign-up forms will be sent home in your child’s homework folder, and are also available in the Elementary Office. IMPORTANT REMINDERS: WATER: Traditional water fountains will not be operational. Bottle-filling water stations are available in the student areas. Students should bring their own water bottles labeled with their name. If a student does not bring a water bottle, disposable bottles of water will be available for purchase in the vending machine and at the Snack Shack/Palace. LOST & FOUND: It is very important that all personal items, including bags, reusable water bottles, textbooks, and jackets and other articles of clothing, are labeled with the first and last name of the student. All lost items will be secured in the Lost & Found Bin where the items will be held for only one week. After one week, items will be donated to a local charity. PICK-UP PROCEDURE: In an effort to further protect our students, families, and employees, we are asking for parents to not linger and make sure to remain socially distanced as you pick up your student. Any students (K-6) not picked up by 3:00pm will be checked into daycare. • Kindergarten - Grade 2: Students will be walked out to the playground by their teacher and dismissed at 2:45pm • Grades 3 - 6: Students may be dismissed by 2:45pm or remain in class till 3pm for Homework Help to continue working on their homework or study on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Aside from enabling the students to have homework questions answered by their own teacher, our goal is to also help our families enjoy more quality time together in the evenings without having so much homework to complete. All students who are still on campus at 3:00pm will be checked into Daycare or dismissed to any music or S.T.E.A.M. classes they have signed up for. GUESTS/VISITORS/PARENTS: School business is encouraged to be conducted remotely. Only “essential” visitors will be allowed onto campus for official school business. All individuals with business at the school must enter through the Elementary Office and wear a face covering; all visitors will have their temperature screened. Parents should diligently train their students to double check backpacks and other bags the night before to ensure all needed items are ready for the next school day in order to reduce the drop off forgotten items in the Elementary office. We cannot accommodate lunch drop offs. MEDICATION: Students are not allowed to carry any medication with them on the school grounds. If it is medically necessary for your student to carry an inhaler, you are required to submit a doctor’s note to the School Office. Parents must come into the School Office and fill out a form for all medications, including “over the counter” medications. All medication must be received in its original prescription bottle or package. CELL PHONE/SMART WATCH POLICY: As a reminder, cell phones and smart watches for K-6th grade students are not permitted on campus. If your child needs a cell phone when they leave campus, they are required to check it in to the elementary office upon arrival to school. Thank you for your co-operation.

WATCH LIVE — Calvary Chapel Downey

ELEMENTARY ANNOUNCEMENTS - WEEK OF 09/08/2020: Welcome Parents and Students! We hope you had a fun summer with your family. Our school theme this year is, “With GOD All Things Are Possible” “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible’.” Mark 10:27.” The children will learn this verse and how to apply it to their lives throughout the school year in their classrooms as well as in Chapel. We know that school may look a bit different than it has in the past, and we ask for your understanding as we continue to adjust things to create the best learning environment possible for each of our Grizzlies. CCCS is committed to maintaining our safety by making these campus-wide changes: Water: Traditional water fountains will not be operational. Bottle-filling water stations are available in the student areas. Students should bring their own water bottles labeled with their name. If a student does not bring a water bottle, disposable bottles of water will be available for purchase in the vending machine and at the Snack Shack/Palace. Lost & Found: It is very important that all personal items, including bags, reusable water bottles, textbooks, and jackets and other articles of clothing, are labeled with the first and last name of the student. All lost items will be secured in the Lost & Found Bin where the items will be held for only one week. After one week, items will be donated to a local charity. Temperature Checks and Health Screening: Between 7:30-7:55 a.m. parents should drop off their students at the elementary playground gate. Student’s temperature will be checked while their vehicle is in the drop off/turn around area. Any student with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be asked to remain home till symptom free and participate in Distance Learning. • Chapel Café: Elementary students may not go to the Chapel Café after school. Students must report to Daycare or be picked up by a parent inside the gate or the turnaround area by 3:00pm. Students may not wait in front of the school or the Café. This policy applies to both before and after school. Pick-Up Procedure: In an effort to further protect our students, families, and employees, we are asking for parents to not linger and make sure to remain socially distanced as you pick up your student. Any students (K-6) not picked up by 3:00pm will be checked into daycare. • Kindergarten - Grade 2: Students will be walked out to the playground by their teacher and dismissed at 2:45pm • Grades 3 - 6: Students may be dismissed by 2:45pm or remain in class till 3pm for Homework Help to continue working on their homework or study on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Aside from enabling the students to have homework questions answered by their own teacher, our goal is to also help our families enjoy more quality time together in the evenings without having so much homework to complete. All students who are still on campus at 3:00pm will be checked into Daycare or dismissed to any music or S.T.E.A.M. classes they have signed up for. Guests/Visitors/Parents: School business is encouraged to be conducted remotely. Only “essential” visitors will be allowed onto campus for official school business. All individuals with business at the school must enter through the Elementary Office and wear a face covering; all visitors will have their temperature screened. Parents should diligently train their students to double check backpacks and other bags the night before to ensure all needed items are ready for the next school day in order to reduce the drop off forgotten items in the Elementary office. We cannot accommodate lunch drop offs. From The School Office: • Look for the School Office “Elementary Weekly Announcements”: In addition to receiving announcements via email blast on Monday morning, they will also be posted on our school website and on Facebook weekly. • School Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am to 3:30pm • Chapels- Location & Time: Chapels will be on Wednesdays and begin at 10:50 am in the Main Sanctuary. Parents are unable to attend in-person this year, but are encouraged to join us through live-stream by visiting our church website or clicking this link: The office staff looks forward to serving you this new school year! September ESLR: This month’s ESLR is LIFELONG LEARNERS! Lifelong Learners are students who develop skills and techniques to equip them for a lifetime of learning in all areas of 21st century life. (Proverbs 1:5) “A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.” School Start & End Time: • School begins at 8:00am and ends at 2:45pm. • REMINDER: Wednesday Late Start Canceled for this school year. Due to social distancing guidelines, CCCS will not have “Wednesday Late Start” for the duration of the 2020/2021 academic year. School will begin at 8:00am each day of the week. CCCS Lunch Program: • Monthly menus will be sent home with your child in their Monday Folder. You can also download and print a menu from our website or pick one up in the School Office. • Lunches are $4.00. Please attach your check payable to CCCS with your order form (Cash must be exact change only). Please have your student turn their lunch orders in to their teacher. • Emergency Lunch: If your child does not have a lunch he/she will be given an emergency lunch and $6.00 will be billed to your Smart Tuition account. Vacation Station Party: Students who have completed Vacation Station Workbooks will be participating in an Ice-Cream Party Tomorrow, September 9 to celebrate their hard work. VIRTUAL Back To School Night: BTSN is this Thursday, September 10. See your child’s Monday Letter for more information regarding this night. This is a great opportunity to meet teachers and become better acquainted with various programs. We thank God for the privilege of ministering to and serving your children. Patriot’s Day Observance: In honor of Patriots’ Day, students may wear the colors of the American flag (red, white and navy blue) with blue jeans on Friday, September 11. This national day is in remembrance of those fallen in the September 11 terrorist attacks. Picture Day: Picture Day for Elementary students will be Thursday, September 17. Packets will be sent home soon in your child’s Monday Folder. All students must wear their school uniform this day (navy blue polo and navy uniform bottoms). Medication: Students are not allowed to carry any medication with them on the school grounds. If it is medically necessary for your student to carry an inhaler, you are required to submit a doctor’s note to the School Office. Parents must come into the School Office and fill out a form for all medications, including “over the counter” medications. All medication must be received in its original prescription bottle or package. Cell Phone/Smart Watch Policy: As a reminder, cell phones and smart watches for K-6th grade students are not permitted on campus. If your child needs a cell phone when they leave campus, they are required to check it in to the elementary office upon arrival to school. Thank you for your co-operation. Extreme Weather Dress Standard: Since our sunny Southern California weather is sure to stay quite warm, we want the students to be comfortable while out on the playground. On hot days throughout the month of September, your child may wear a CCCS t-shirt or any Scripture t-shirt with uniform bottoms instead of their navy polo. For your convenience, the Chapel Store is offering a 15% discount on Scripture t-shirts to our Grizzly Families through the end of September. REMINDER: CCCS Uniform Polos and navy uniform bottoms must be worn on our Elementary Picture Day, Thursday, September 17. Elementary Choir: Attention 4th-6th Grade Parents! If your student is interested in joining our CCCS Elementary School Choir we invite you to come to our interest meetings next week!!! The Elem. Choir meets once a week from 2:45-3:30pm and practices music for performances throughout the year. This is a wonderful opportunity for your student to develop their confidence in using their God-given gift of singing and to learn how to read music notation. The interest meetings will be on Thursday, Sept. 17th for 4th grade and Friday, Sept. 18th for 5th & 6th grade in the Choir Room (217)! For more information, please contact Dr. Young-Goodner at

WATCH LIVE — Calvary Chapel Downey

ELEMENTARY ANNOUNCEMENTS - WEEK OF 8/31/2020: Welcome Parents and Students! We hope you had a fun summer with your family. Our school theme this year is, “With GOD All Things Are Possible” “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible’.” Mark 10:27.” The children will learn this verse and how to apply it to their lives throughout the school year in their classrooms as well as in Chapel. We know that school may look a bit different than it has in the past, and we ask for your understanding as we continue to adjust things to create the best learning environment possible for each of our Grizzlies. CCCS is committed to maintaining our safety by making these campus-wide changes: Water: Traditional water fountains will not be operational. Bottle-filling water stations are available in the student areas. Students should bring their own water bottles labeled with their name. If a student does not bring a water bottle, disposable bottles of water will be available for purchase in the vending machine and at the Snack Shack/Palace. Lost & Found: It is very important that all personal items, including bags, reusable water bottles, textbooks, and jackets and other articles of clothing, are labeled with the first and last name of the student. All lost items will be secured in the Lost & Found Bin where the items will be held for only one week. After one week, items will be donated to a local charity. Temperature Checks and Health Screening: Between 7:30-7:55 a.m. parents should drop off their students at the elementary playground gate. Student’s temperature will be checked while their vehicle is in the drop off/turn around area. Any student with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be asked to remain home till symptom free and participate in Distance Learning. • Chapel Café: Elementary students may not go to the Chapel Café after school. Students must report to Daycare or be picked up by a parent inside the gate or the turnaround area by 3:00pm. Students may not wait in front of the school or the Café. This policy applies to both before and after school. Pick-Up Procedure: In an effort to further protect our students, families, and employees, we are asking for parents to not linger and make sure to remain socially distanced as you pick up your student. Any students (K-6) not picked up by 3:00pm will be checked into daycare. • Kindergarten - Grade 2: Students will be walked out to the playground by their teacher and dismissed at 2:45pm • Grades 3 - 6: Students may be dismissed by 2:45pm or remain in class till 3pm for Homework Help to continue working on their homework or study on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Aside from enabling the students to have homework questions answered by their own teacher, our goal is to also help our families enjoy more quality time together in the evenings without having so much homework to complete. All students who are still on campus at 3:00pm will be checked into Daycare or dismissed to any music or S.T.E.A.M. classes they have signed up for. Guests/Visitors/Parents: School business is encouraged to be conducted remotely. Only “essential” visitors will be allowed onto campus for official school business. All individuals with business at the school must enter through the Elementary Office and wear a face covering; all visitors will have their temperature screened. Parents should diligently train their students to double check backpacks and other bags the night before to ensure all needed items are ready for the next school day in order to reduce the drop off forgotten items in the Elementary office. We cannot accommodate lunch drop offs. From The School Office: • Look for the School Office “Elementary Weekly Announcements”: In addition to receiving announcements via email blast on Monday morning, they will also be posted on our school website and on Facebook weekly. • School Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am to 3:30pm • Chapels- Location & Time: Chapels will be on Wednesdays and begin at 10:50 am in the Main Sanctuary. Parents are unable to attend in-person this year, but are encouraged to join us through live-stream by visiting our church website or clicking this link: The office staff looks forward to serving you this new school year! September ESLR: This month’s ESLR is LIFELONG LEARNERS! Lifelong Learners are students who develop skills and techniques to equip them for a lifetime of learning in all areas of 21st century life. (Proverbs 1:5) “A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.” K-6th Welcome/Syllabus Letter Agreement 2020-2021: This Information and signature page is in your child’s Monday folder. Please return the “Signature Page” to your child’s teacher no later than Friday, September 4. School Start & End Time: • School begins at 8:00am and ends at 2:45pm. • REMINDER: Wednesday Late Start Canceled for this school year. Due to social distancing guidelines, CCCS will not have “Wednesday Late Start” for the duration of the 2020/2021 academic year. School will begin at 8:00am each day of the week. CCCS Lunch Program: • Monthly menus will be sent home with your child in their Monday Folder. You can also download and print a menu from our website or pick one up in the School Office. • Lunches are $4.00. Please attach your check payable to CCCS with your order form (Cash must be exact change only). Please have your student turn their lunch orders in to their teacher. • Emergency Lunch: If your child does not have a lunch he/she will be given an emergency lunch and $6.00 will be billed to your Smart Tuition account. Vacation Station Party: Students who have completed Vacation Station Workbooks will be participating in an Ice-Cream Party on September 9 to celebrate their hard work. Please email your child’s teacher to let them know your student completed their workbook no later than Friday, September 4. VIRTUAL Back To School Night: BTSN is Thursday, September 10. See your child’s Monday Letter for more information regarding this night. This is a great opportunity to meet teachers and become better acquainted with various programs. We thank God for the privilege of ministering to and serving your children. Patriot’s Day Observance: In honor of Patriots’ Day, students may wear the colors of the American flag (red, white and navy blue) with blue jeans on Friday, September 11. This national day is in remembrance of those fallen in the September 11 terrorist attacks. Picture Day: Picture Day for Elementary students will be Thursday, September 17. Packets will be sent home soon in your child’s Monday Folder. All students must wear their school uniform this day (navy blue polo and navy uniform bottoms). Medication: Students are not allowed to carry any medication with them on the school grounds. If it is medically necessary for your student to carry an inhaler, you are required to submit a doctor’s note to the School Office. Parents must come into the School Office and fill out a form for all medications, including “over the counter” medications. All medication must be received in its original prescription bottle or package. Cell Phone/Smart Watch Policy: As a reminder, cell phones and smart watches for K-6th grade students are not permitted on campus. If your child needs a cell phone when they leave campus, they are required to check it in to the elementary office upon arrival to school. Thank you for your co-operation. Labor Day: There will be no school or daycare on Monday, September 7 in observance of Labor Day. We pray you enjoy this time with your families.

Please PRAY for our school staff as we OPEN school on Monday. Our school theme this year is out of Mark 10:27 But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with GOD; for with GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE"

Please PRAY for our school staff as we OPEN school on Monday. Our school theme this year is out of Mark 10:27 But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with GOD; for with GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE"

Come and check out our school, you will be BLESSED.

Come and check out our school, you will be BLESSED.

We are blessed to announce that CCCS will be extending Summer Camp. Camp will continue to run through August 28, 2020. Camp is available for students entering Pre-K through 8th grade. If you are interested in signing your child up for Summer Camp, please visit the Elementary office to register your camper.

We are blessed to announce that CCCS will be extending Summer Camp. Camp will continue to run through August 28, 2020.  Camp is available for students entering  Pre-K through 8th grade.  If you are interested in signing your child up for Summer Camp, please visit the Elementary office to register your camper.

CCCS 2020 Promo

Photos from Calvary Chapel Christian School Downey's post

Congratulations to seniors Lauren Alva and Emanuel Gammage, who received this year's Grizzly Athlete of the Year Award! The full article can be read here:

Photos from Calvary Chapel Christian School Downey's post

CCCS RECEIVES PRESS-TELEGRAM FAVORITE AWARD We are happy to announce that Press-Telegram and Grunion Gazette Reader’s Choice has listed our school as one of the top FAVORITE Private High Schools. Please check out our school's Web page and share this awesome news with families you may know that are looking for an amazing school for their children.

We are happy to announce that Press-Telegram and Grunion Gazette Reader’s Choice has listed our school as one of the top FAVORITE Private High Schools.

Please check out our school's Web page and share this awesome news with families you may know that are looking for an amazing school for their children.

Congratulations Calvary Chapel Christian High School 2020 Press-Telegram & Grunion Gazette voted as one of the “THE FAVORITES” Private Christian High Schools

Congratulations Calvary Chapel Christian High School
2020 Press-Telegram & Grunion Gazette  voted as one of the “THE FAVORITES” Private Christian High Schools

CCCS Summer Camp begins June 22! Pre-K through 8th Grade. See flyer for more details.

CCCS Summer Camp begins June 22! Pre-K through 8th Grade.  See flyer for more details.
