Blessed Ground Church International Ministries
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BGIM there will be no Bible Study tonight. Meet us Thursday night at Spirit and Truth Christian Ministries as Apostle Eric S. Edwards shares in the Word of God and we celebrate the new location of our covenant brothers and sisters!!!! Service begins at 7PM location on flyer below:
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Again thank you to everyone who donated purses for our care bags for homeless women. Not only were we able to bless women in Detroit, but women in a homeless shelter in Flint. Deaconess Helen is pictured here with the purses and a truckload of water. Have A Heart Outreach Ministry of BGIM, love in action! #collaboration #unity #bettertogether
Leadership Meeting - Team Building.
The City of Detroit is having a Job Fair this Saturday morning for the Youth of Detroit ages 14-16 from 10:00 am-2:00 pm at two Locations 1. East Lake MBC on The Corner of Conners's and Jefferson 2. Triumph M.B.C located on 1-75 and Clay.
Join us for 2 worship opportunities today. Morning Worship at Blessed Ground 10:30 AM 8300 Fenkell. Afternoon Fellowship at Great Faith Cathedral 11421 Whittier, Pastor Yul & Medinah Johnson 4 PM. Today is a great day, LET'S CHURCH!!!!!
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Join us for the final night of our 2016 Winter Revival.....Special Guest: Bishop James Williams and Spirit & Truth. Service begins at 7pm - FRIDAY NIGHT
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Winter Revival continues tonight at BGIM.... with Pastors Darrel and Estella Dawson. Service begins at 7pm. Please join us!!!!
Join us today for 2 life changing services. Meet us at Blessed Ground 8300 Fenkell, for Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 AM. We also invite you to a Fellowship Service with, Praise Fellowship Church 12490 Kelly Rd. at 4 PM. Pastors Travis & Lakiesha Mason, hostso and our Apostle Eric Edwards will share in the word.
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Join us Friday night at 7pm....special guests: Pastor Roderick Dallas & True Gospel Tabernacle Church
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TONIGHT! The Winter Revival continues.....Speakers: Pastor Brenner & Eld. Tawania Whitt. Service 7-8:30 PM
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Winter Revival Service tonight at 7pm. Special guest speaker, Pastor David L. Peake. All are welcome to join us!
What a miraculous word to the church last night from Pastor T... Christina Harvey! This Friday, Pastor David L. Peake and So Much the More Ministries will be our special guests. Please join us service starts at 7pm.