Des Moines Water Works
Blog: Follow us on Twitter! Des Moines Water Works provides WATER YOU CAN TRUST FOR LIFE to approximately 500,000 customers in the Des Moines metro area. Des Moines Water Works also operates Water Works Park. This Facebook page is not monitored 24/7. For emergency issues, contact (515) 283-8772.
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facebook.comIt’s #WorldWaterDay! Do you know where your water comes from and how it gets to your tap? Find out here:
Sign up to volunteer for Earth Day Trash Bash.
Adopt a Stream in your neighborhood. #ThinkDownstream
For those with questions about the removal of select memorial trees in Water Works Park, please find more information here:
“We want our farmers to have every chance to succeed, but we also think it's time to review the impact that farming is having on air and water quality and institute some commonsense reforms.”
Des Moines Water Works earns the EPA’s ENERGY STAR for its General Office building. The ENERGY STAR indicates the building performs in the top 18% of similar buildings nationwide.
As you are digging out this morning, don't forget to clear nearby fire hydrants. This ensures Des Moiners Water Works crews and Des Moines Firefighters have clear access to nearly 10,000 fire hydrants for water service and fire protection of your home, business and others around you.
Water main replacement planning is a necessary, preventative approach that saves money on repairs, reduces the loss of water that occurs as a result of the main breaks, and minimizes disruption to customers. Learn more about the over $7 million investment in water mains in 2018, and check to see if your street is on the list:
As Governor Reynolds signs a "water quality" bill this morning, let's talk about what real water quality legislation looks like:
Periodically, Des Moines Water Works receives calls from customers who say their tap water appears milky white or cloudy. In the majority of cases, the cloudy water is caused by harmless air bubbles, but sometimes it can indicate a plumbing issue. Learn more here:
Governor Reynolds and Leadership say the “water quality conversation is not over.” Stop by the Iowa Capitol Rotunda today for Water Day to see what good water quality legislation looks like: Targeted Approach. Accountable and Measurable. Adequate Funding.