Northern Illinois University- Sigma Sigma Sigma
Courtney Lonigro
Recruitment Director-
Lauren Burton
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facebook.comSam Thiel- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!❤️ i’m thankful for tri sigma for bringing me to you 😊 Since day one of joining I don’t think i’ve laughed harder or connected more with anybody else. Thanks for being an overall (like 8/10 maybe) sweetheart ❣️ can’t wait to live with your beautiful face next year Eva Coe- happy birthday to one of my best friends!!! Michelle, i love you and am so grateful to have you in my life!!! thank you for all of the laughs and talks and food dates 💜 i hope your day is as amazing as you are, you deserve it 💜 Alyssa Stonesifer- Wishing the happiest birthday to one of the sweetest girls Ik!! So glad i was able to meet you this year and i hope you have an amazing day because you deserve it, ily cutie💜🎉💕 Rachel Rauchfuss- HAPPY BDAY TO YOU HAPPY BDAY TO YOU HAPPY BDAY TO MICHELLEEE HAPPY BDAY TO YOU Love you so much and so so thankful for you! Hope you have such an amazing day bc you deserve it!! 💜
Happy birthday to the most hardworking and loving big around You are the most dedicated person with such a big heart!! You have so much on your plate and it blows my mind how you manage it all! You’re truly and inspiration to me and such a great role model Thanks for being such an amazing part of my life and I hope your day was as great as you are LOVE YOU!! - Katie Fredericks Happy 20th Ashley!!! I am truly blessed to have such an amazing best friend. Who would thought a random roommate my freshman year would end up turning into a life long best friend. You are so kind hearted and willing to do anything for anyone. I’m happy we got to celebrate your birthday all week! Thank you for always being there for me whenever I need you. I love you Roomie - Sam Turcotte Happy 20th lovebug!!! So happy I got to spend a whole week soaking up the sun with you in Daytona! Thanks for always being there for me, I truly don’t know what I’d do without you. I hope your day was the best - Brett Westerhoff Happy Birthday to the most perfect little. You deserve the most perfect day! You are truly amazing and your big heart does not go unnoticed. I can’t wait to celebrate with you soon! Love you lots. XOXOXO!!! - Jeslyn
Happy birthday to the most perfect little! I love ya so much! Can’t wait to celebrate with you! You deserve the best. So happy you are my little so we can continue our friendship! Let’s go pretty❤️💕☺️ - Alyssa Galan HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MORGS!!!!! I am so blessed that sigma has brought me to your spunky, goofy, amazing self😻 thank you for putting a smile on my face each and every time we see each other!!! ( which isn’t a lot WHAT THE HECK HANG W ME!!!! ) Love you so much Morgan!! Keep being you sweets. Enjoy today bc ITS YO BIRFDAY and you deserve it!!! 💜 - Jessie Ippolito I'm so glad we met in our SESE class last semester. In just a short time we have made so many memories and those continue to grow. From working on project after project together to belting out "Man I Feel Like A Woman" in your car to laying in my bed watching disney movies after a night out. You are there for me whenever I need you to be. You know how to make me smile when all I wanna do is cry. And you make me laugh like no one else can. I can't wait for our adventures to continue. I love you so much babe💕 - Karly Harper
HAPPY 20th YEAR OF LIFE SAM💜💜 I am so so blessed that Sigmas brought such a kind hearted person like you that is equally as weird as me lol😊 I hope you have an amazing rest of your day love! Can’t wait for the new adventures we will go on in the near future and thanks for being you😘💕 - Michelle Parker SAMM!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I’m beyond blessed to have met such a wild and HILARIOUS person (and now sister)😉 Thank you for being you and being such an amazing friend! Hope your day has been great & keeps getting better!! love you lots & see ya tonight❣️ - Katie Fredericks
T-CLIFF!! Happy freaking birthday! I can’t believe you’re already 22! I feel like it was just freshman year when we were 18 doing crazy things like hang out on the Stevo 8th floor (haha what a mistake) and going sledding at 2 in the morning when we couldn’t sleep in the grant parking lot. We have had such amazing times, I can’t believe our time together in Dekalb is already coming to an end. Thanks for always being there for me, whether its to listen, laugh, or even cry with me! We only have 3 more months on crazy shenanigans so lets live it up! I love you to pieces tee💜 -Ashley Marroquin Happy birthday to this amazing sweet girl! You make the world a little brighter with you honesty and laughter. We all love you to pieces pumpkin! Make this year one to remember, Love your sigma sisters Xoxo - Laine Ozburn
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAELA!! Welcome to the 21 club! I can’t wait to celebrate with you and I’m so thankful to have you in my life. You’re an amazing friend and I’m not sure what I’d do without you, love ya lots 💕💕 - Riley Shirk Happy happy birthday Michaela!!! Hope this year is full of love and adventures! Can’t wait for all the exciting memories to come!! Love you💗 - Emily Trepanier Happy 21st birthday Michaela! I’m so happy sigma brought me a partner in crime that loves to dance around as much as I do 💕forever thankful for you and our time together!! Can’t wait to celebrate with you soon. Love ya girl! - Julia Hartman HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAELA! I’m so glad the day is finally here that you’re 21! I’m so thankful to have you in my life & all the adventures we’ve had & those to come. You’re such an amazing person with a huge future ahead!! I hope today has been filled with all your favorites! Love you 💓🎉 - Kelsey Flicek
Jessie Jessie Jessie ! Happy frickin birthday and also CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING ACCEPTED INTO GRAD SCHOOL. 🎉🎉 You are truly one of the most amazing friends and I’m so lucky to have you my life. From picking me up on the side of the road freshman year, to having our first stats class together and then going through recruitment together, finding out we were sisters, to celebrating every day like it’s our birthday and you practically living on my couch the summer. There are very few people that get multiple soulmates and I know that you’re one of mine💕💕 You deserve the world and then some and I can’t wait to live with you next year and become real adults together!! Cheers to the last four years cheers to the present and cheers to the next years to come💜💜 Love ya Cowgirl - Taylor Bye Happy birthday jessie!! I’m so lucky to have you in my life for all the laughs and happiness you bring! I hope 22 brings lots of joy and positivity to your life because you truly deserve it💓💓 Mwah XOXO!! - Melanie Hively Happy Happy happy birthday cowgirl!!!!!!! These past four years haven’t been enough with you. Our memories we’ve made over our time at NIU will never be lived up to by anyone! 😂❤️ you’re the light of my life & I love ya so so much!!!!! have the best birthday ever love💘 - Kayli Becker Happy birthday Jessie!!! I’m so glad we got so close over the last few years and I’m so thankful to have a best friend who’s always down to have some fun. Thank you for all the vent sessions and late nights you are such a special person to me and I hope you have a perfect day 😘 love ya gf happy 22 bday - Julia Hartman
Screaming Happy Birthday to my wonderful roomie and little!!! Watching you grow these past few years has been so amazing and I can't wait to see all the beautiful things you will accomplish. Cheers to finally being 22 and officially an old lady! Jk you're young and hot! See you tonight bestie, I'm so excited to celebrate you 💕 xoxo - Hannah Tortorella Happy birthday love!! I hope you have an amazing day filled with lots of love and joy! You truly deserve the world so I hope this next year brings you so much happiness. I’m so blessed to call you my best friend, XOXO😍❤️ - Melanie Hively Happy happy birthday to my best friend in the whole entire world. You deserve nothing but endless pizza, coffee, and sunflowers today! 22 has never looked so good. I hope your prepared for me singing Taylor Swift to you all day! Love you always xoxoxo. - Jeslyn Linares HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY RAY OF SUNSHINE!!! I’m so grateful to have a friend like you and I love you lots 💜 You’re such a beautiful soul and I love watching you make the world a more beautiful place to live in! I can’t wait to see all that you will accomplish in your 22nd year and I hope it is your best year yet! 🎉🎊🎈 - Nicole Cannistra
Happy birthday pretty !!! Hope your day is going just as amazing as you are. Thanks for always being such a great friend to me . Love you bunches ☺️☺️☺️ - Molly Hartig HAPPY 22ND BDAY HAYLEY!!!! (As if I didn't feel like a baby already, now you're 3 years older than me lol) It's unreal how you've only been in my life for a short time, but have already made such an impact. I spend more time with you than with anyone else haha I'm so thankful I met you this year bc I have no idea what I'd do without you! I hope today is filled with an unnecessary amount of pizza and loads of happiness! Thank you for being a bomb bff and I can't wait to celebrate w ya soon! Love ya 💞🎉😋🍕 - McKayla Snedeker HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYLEY!!! Im am SO proud to call you one of my best friends and I’m so incredibly happy that we have gotten so much closer this last year! Having you in my life has helped me so much and I only hope that I have done the same for you! Your constant love and encouragement is so wonderful and idk what I would do without you in my life! I hope you had a kick butt birthday because you deserve it!!! I love you bunches babe! 💕😍😘 - Julissa Koepke Happy birthday Hayley!! You are honestly one of the most amazing people I know, I love how much time you make in your schedule to hang with your friends! You’re always there for me at anytime of the day. I love being able to call you my best friend and I can’t wait to live in the city with you next summer! Love you girl!! - Jenny Nowak
Happy Twenty Fun birthday Car ❤️ I’m forever grateful that sigmas brought me to you. You’re such an amazing girl who has a personality who lights up every room! I hope you had an amazing day today, you deserve the best and nothing but the best! I love you so much 💕 i can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and your endeavors! Happy 21st birthday Carly 💋 -Kayla Major Happy birthday Carly!! I’m so thankful that we met freshman year and joined sigma together. We have had some crazy times together and I’m constantly wishing we could go back to freshman year again. Thank you for being my rock and my forever roommate. Love you lots girl hope you had a perfect day 😘 -Julia Hartman Happy 21st Carly! 💕 I’m so thankful for you being in my life and always down for anything. I wouldn’t want to be neighbors with anyone else cause then I wouldn’t get to hear your crazy laugh everyday! Hope today was filled with all your favorite things! You’ll forever be my first trench! Love you lots😘 -Kylie Bart Happy 21st birthday Carly!! I’m forever grateful I started randomly talking to you my freshman year because you’re one of the most fun and caring people I’ve ever met. So many of my crazy memories from college include you and I can’t wait for more once I join the 21 club with you 💞 thanks for always being someone I can rant to for hours and someone I can tell anything to. I hope you had the best day and night because you deserve the world. Ilysm 😽 -Olivia Kaskie
Happy Birthday Elizabeth!! I knew from the time we met on day 3 waiting to be called into sigmas that we’d be sisters, and I’m so glad I was right. You’re the most genuine girl I’ve ever met, and I’m so thankful to have you in my life! Thanks for all the laughs, good talks, and memories of us dancing together. You deserve nothing but the best and I hope your day is everything you want and more. Love you lots! 💜 -Eva Coe Elizabeth!! Happy birthday! I'm so happy joining sigmas has brought us together because I'm not sure what I would do without you! Your laughs are contagious and you can truly cheer up anyone you meet. Our chapter wouldn't be the same without you and I'm so excited to see everything you're going to accomplish in the future. Hope you have an amazing day because you deserve it! ❤️ -Rachel Rauchfuss HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY E!!!! I hope you have a day that is as beautiful as you are. I hope you know recruitment day 1 was totally set up because I just HAD to be the first person to talk to you. I knew that our chapter needed you and that you’d be a great asset to us. I’m so so glad you chose Sigma as well. Now I have someone to gossip with about some drama from back home, someone to rave about the Jaclyn Hill pallet with, and someone to try to convince me to go out even when i feel like a grandma and i don’t want to go out. HAHAH. I swear I’m still thinking about it! I hope either way you have the best day ever! 💕 - Bri
Happy birthday Payton ☺️☺️ Soso happy you and I have gotten closer this year. We have made so many great memories together and can’t wait to make more. Thanks for being a great friend!! Love you ❤️❤️ -Molly Hartig HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND!!! I’m so happy we got so close this year and thanks for always chilling in room 10 and making me laugh 24/7. You are one of the most fun and genuine people I’ve ever met and I can’t thank sigmas enough for that! I can’t wait to celebrate with chips, guacamole and salsa. I love you to the moon and back! Xoxo 😘 -Kaylee Jasinski Happy birthday to my perfect little! You’re so kind, and energetic and always make me feel so loved and I’m so lucky to have you in my life! I’m sorry I’m so far away and can’t see you on your birthday but I know you’re going to have an amazing day. I love you so much, eat lots of food today and have so much fun💕 Love, your biggie - Mariah Harden Happy Birthday to the most caring and kind hearted girl I know who just so happens to be my big!! Thanks for all you do for me! I couldn't imagine surviving college without you. I hope you have a great day! Love you❤️ - Alexis Combs