Crossroads Ministries
Growing deeper in the love of Christ, that we may share that love with others.
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facebook.comA Natural Connection for Every True Disciple Pastor Dan Proctor Sunday AM - March 25, 2018 Handout 👉 #crossroadsdaytona
Tag a friend and invite them to join you at CrossRoads this #Easter! #crossroadsdaytona
Do to others what you would want them to do to you. This is the “golden rule,” and Jesus said it’s the most important rule to follow. Jesus said that everything in the law can be summed up in treating others the way you would want to be treated (Matthew 7:12). Come this Sunday to hear more about what Jesus said about serving others! #crossroadsdaytona #goldenrule
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples (an amazing show of service and humility at that time), He said this, “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; you also ought to wash one another's feet” (John 13:14). That’s what it’s all about. Serving others; putting others first. #crossroadsdaytona
This past Sunday, we learned that small groups are the key to building relationships. Come out this Wednesday and get connected. Groups meet for about 45 minutes for Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.
A Vital Connection for Every Believer Pastor Dan Proctor Sunday AM - March 18, 2018 Handout 👉 #crossroadsdaytona
God is a God of relationships. He doesn’t intend for anyone to be on an island. He wants us to connect with others. Come do that at CrossRoads this Sunday at 8:30, 9:45, or 11:15 AM. #crossroadsdaytona
The Easter Egg Drop and Carnival is a little over 2 weeks away! Please share and invite everyone you know to this FREE event. This day will be full of games, entertainment, bounce houses and more! The fun begins at 10AM #Easter #Eggdrop #Crossroadsdaytona
What is the church? It is the “body of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:27) The church is not about rules; it’s not about religion. It’s about joining together to love people the way Jesus did, and still does! #crossroadsdaytona
Share this post or Tag a friend and invite them to join you at CrossRoads this #Easter! #crossroadsdaytona
Connecting Daily with God Pastor Dan Proctor Sunday AM - March 11, 2018 #crossroadsdaytona
Join us as we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Easter is a special time at CrossRoads, and we invite you to be a part of one of our three services! Sunday April 1st at 8:30, 9:45, or 11:15 AM Childcare provided.