The Pigeon Hole
Southern cooking and then some.
My sweet little wifeypoo has always talked (and talked and talked and talked) about having her own little place to nurture folks with great cooking. So when this little spot became available in our own hometown, she ever so hesitantly jumped on it.
So what kind of restaurant to create; a kitchen, a cafe, a place, a deli?? She was certain that she did not want to be pigeon hole'd into any one particular genre so there it was, The Pigeon Hole. Southern cooking, slow cooked briskets, yummy desserts, great soups and sandwiches, loaded spuds, and all sorts of new creations - whatever she (and you) wants.
All she needed now was a little cleaning (a lot) and remodeling (a lot again) which included plans for a new yellow awning to dress up the front of the building - after all, sunshine is her favorite color. While removing the old awning, a structural problem was discovered (a hole in 'The Hole') that has the front of the building closed off and the dining room on hold. In the coming days and weeks, the front of The Pigeon Hole will be removed and rebuilt with aspirations of being ready to seat folks in early January. Poor sweet baby wanted a yellow awning and got a big yellow construction dumpster instead.
So for now, she's serving a limited menu of take-out lunches and dinners, weekdays 11-5:30 through our side kitchen door. We post our menu here on FB daily and greatly appreciate all of those that support us. Our next door neighbor is a quaint little city park with benches and tables and pretty holiday lighting and makes for great lunchtime seating so it really is working out just fine.
When our storefront is repaired, we will be open for breakfast at 7 until...and lunch from 11-2 followed by take home dinners perfectly suited for those moms and dads picking up their children from the several schools right here on Main St..
Thanks again for your support and like Cindy's papaw always said, "Look out Lord, we fixin' to eat!".
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