Dallas First United Methodist Church, Dallas, GA
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facebook.comThe Children's Ministry is sponsoring an outdoor movie on Friday, September 15, at 7 p.m. in the Education Building parking lot. The movie will be "The Lion King." We will have popcorn and bottled water, but feel free to bring your own snacks and drinks. Please bring your own blankets and/or chairs. We also have Ohana Ice booked and they will be donating 20% of their proceeds back to Dallas First!!! Hope to see you there.
ACOLYTES NEEDED! Is your child interested in becoming involved in our Acolyte Ministry? We are in need of Acolytes for our 11.am. service! Some FAQ's about Acolyting: How old are Acolytes? Traditionally students are in 3rd-5th grades. However, we do have some younger acolytes who are responsible for their age and can sit still for 1 hour. We don't attend the 11a.m. service. Can my child still be an Acolyte? Absolutely! If you are on campus during the 11am Sunday School hour, your child is welcome to be an Acolyte! How often will my child serve? Typically once per month, with summer months off. How does my child get trained? They will meet with the Acolyte Coordinator for about 30 minutes for training. Are there certain training dates we must attend? There aren't any set training dates. Give the Acolyte Coordinator a call and set up a time that coordinates with both of your schedules. Why is being an acolyte something my child and I should consider? Acolytes play an important role in our Church. One of the most important roles is bringing in the Light of Christ each Sunday to begin Worship. Being an Acolyte will help teach responsibility, attentiveness, and your child will grow in self-confidence. Questions? Ready to take the next step? Contact the current Acolyte Coordinator, Lisa Wahle at lbwahle@hotmail.com or 678-910-6917.
August 10, 2017 NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS A TIME TO PRAY! JOIN US IN THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER Join us this Thursday at 7 p.m. for our weekly prayer meeting in the FAMILY LIFE CENTER. All are welcome to join us for this special time of praise and prayer. YOUTH LOCK-IN THIS FRIDAY! There will be a youth lock-in on Friday, August 11, from 7 p.m.-7 a.m. Invite friends to attend a great night of Fun and Fellowship. Bring a drink and snack to share with the rest of the group. For more information, contact Pastor Chris Freeman at chrisf@dallasfirstumc.org. ICE CREAM SOCIAL THIS SUNDAY! All parents and children are invited to attend an Ice Cream Social on Sunday, August 13, at 5 p.m. in the Family Life Center to celebrate summer and the new school year. Any children interested in participating in this year's children's Christmas Musical are encouraged to attend. Come for fun, fellowship and some information about what we have coming up for children and families at Dallas First. Please contact Beth Cochran with any questions at missbethdfumc@gmail.com. CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED TUESDAY - FRIDAY NEXT WEEK! We have just discovered after testing done by a certified mold remediation firm that we have a serious mold contamination in the church office annex that is causing health issues for our staff. Starting Tuesday, August 15, the staff will be moving out of the church office annex into the Fellowship Hall on the ground floor of the church building. The church office will be closed and the phones down until the move is completed. The temporary offices in the church building will open on Monday, August 21, at 8:30 a.m. You may contact the church office by email. For any emergencies, please use our pastoral emergency phone line. The number is 770-256-1595. Please limit your calls or text messages to emergencies only. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED The Children's Ministry is in need of Sunday School teachers for elementary age students. Children's Sunday school is set up as a rotation with six stations. We are currently seeking teachers for the science, games and video stations. This is an every other week commitment from 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Curriculum, lessons and materials are provided. This is a rewarding and fun experience not only for the children, but for the teachers as well. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Beth Cochran at missbethdfumc@gmail.com. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING! Attention All Sunday School classes! We will be having a planning meeting to celebrate our classes and review the needs of each class on August 20 at 12:15 p.m. This will not be a long meeting! However, it will be an important one, the Spiritual needs at Dallas First UMC are one of our top priorities and we want to make sure we have what we need to show this. Please plan on having a representative from each class there, so that all needs can be heard. TEACHERS NEEDED We are seeking those who may feel called to lead or facilitate a WOW, Weekday or Sunday evening class. If God has placed a topic or desire to teach on your heart, please let us know. We would love to talk with you about it! Contact Pastor Chris at Chris.pavlovsky@ngumc.net. LUNCH BUNCH AUGUST 23 The lunch bunch will meet on Wednesday, August 23 instead of August 16, at Ruby Tuesday's on Highway 278 at the Kroger shopping center at 11:45. If you plan to attend, please let Robbie Whitten know at 678-363-7913 or robbie.whitten37@gmail.com. Also, if anyone needs transportation, please let me know. ACOLYTES NEEDED! Is your child interested in becoming involved in our Acolyte Ministry? We are in need of Acolytes for our 11 a.m.. service! Some FAQ's about Acolyting: How old are Acolytes? Traditionally students are in 3rd-5th grades. However, we do have some younger acolytes who are responsible for their age and can sit still for 1 hour. We don't attend the 11 a.m. service. Can my child still be an Acolyte? Absolutely! If you are on campus during the 11 a.m. Sunday School hour, your child is welcome to be an Acolyte! How often will my child serve? Typically, once per month, with summer months off. How does my child get trained? They will meet with the Acolyte Coordinator for about 30 minutes for training. Are there certain training dates we must attend? There aren't any set training dates. Give the Acolyte Coordinator a call and set up a time that coordinates with both of your schedules. Why is being an acolyte something my child and I should consider? Acolytes play an important role in our Church. One of the most important roles is bringing in the Light of Christ each Sunday to begin Worship. Being an Acolyte will help teach responsibility, attentiveness, and your child will grow in self-confidence. Questions? Ready to take the next step? Contact the current Acolyte Coordinator, Lisa Wahle at lbwahle@hotmail.com or 678-910-6917. FALL/WINTER CONSIGNMENT SALE NEWS! Our Heavenly Hand-Me Downs Fall/Winter Consignment Sale will be September 15-16. The two-day sale features gently worn Fall/Winter clothing (Infants, Kids, Juniors, Boys through size 20, and Maternity), costumes, books, toys, games, furniture, baby equipment and more! Online registration has begun! The registration fee is $8 and sellers receive 70% of sale profits. Profits from the sale benefit Dallas First United Methodist Women's Ministries. Go to www.heavenlyhandmedowns.org for more information about selling or volunteering. Contact Lynn Cochran at 770-883-5548 or email at info@heavenlyhandmedowns.org if you have any questions. OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT! Mark your calendars! The Children's Ministry is sponsoring an outdoor movie on Friday, September 15 at 7 p.m. in the Education Building parking lot. We will have popcorn and bottled water, but feel free to bring your own snacks and drinks. Please bring your own blankets and/or chairs. USHERS NEEDED Would you consider serving once a month being an usher at the 11 o'clock service. We are in need of 3 more ushers. We would love to see some of the ladies step up for this important ministry of the church. If you are interested or if you have any questions, please contact Bill Woods at billandjanisw@gmail.com FALL CHURCH CAMP OUT! Fall Church Camp Out at McKinney Campground on Lake Allatoona on October 20-22, 2017. As usual, we have booked the common area site in the vicinity of site 75. Go to recreation.gov to book today! Questions?? Contact Louise Keating at louise_keating@yahoo.com or 404-660-4729 and Lisa Wahle at lbwahle@hotmail.com or 678-910-6917. See you at the Campground! The Keating's and Wahle's
NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS WOW STARTS THIS EVENING AT 5:45 PM Join us for our Worship on Wednesday (WOW) starting THIS EVENING! Dinner begins at 5:45 p.m. in our Family Life Center. Then at 6:30 p.m. we will have information about the upcoming fall classes and FAMILY BINGO! Thank you, Dennis Howard, for cooking dinner. The menu for the evening will be hot dogs, cole slaw, chili, and sides, and desserts. All are welcome!! DISCIPLE CLASS STARTING AUGUST 16! SIGN UP NOW! Pastor Mark will be teaching Disciple Fast Track. This 24-week Bible study spends 12 weeks in the Old Testament (fall) and 12 weeks in the New Testament (spring). No previous Bible knowledge is necessary. At the end of the study, you will understand the flow of the whole Bible and how it all fits together. Pastor Mark will teach two classes on Wednesdays starting August 16; one at 10 a.m. and one at 6:30 p.m. after the WOW Dinner. Childcare will be available for both the classes. If you would like to sign up for the class, please call the church office and let us know and whether you are interested in the morning class or evening class. The cost for both Old & New Testament student manuals is $28. More details will be available after the WOW Dinner on August 9. YOUTH LOCK-IN THIS FRIDAY! There will be a youth lock-in on Friday, August 11, from 7 p.m.-7 a.m. Invite friends to attend a great night of Fun and Fellowship. Bring a drink and snack to share with the rest of the group. For more information, contact Pastor Chris Freeman at chrisf@dallasfirstumc.org . SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED The Children's Ministry is in need of Sunday School teachers for elementary age students. Children's Sunday school is set up as a rotation with six stations. We are currently seeking teachers for the science, games and video stations. This is an every other week commitment from 9:45 am to 10:45am. Curriculum, lessons and materials are provided. This is a rewarding and fun experience not only for the children, but for the teachers as well. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Beth Cochran at missbethdfumc@gmail.com. ICE CREAM SOCIAL THIS SUNDAY! All parents and children are invited to attend an Ice Cream Social on Sunday, August 13, at 5 p.m. in the Family Life Center to celebrate summer and the new school year. Any children interested in participating in this year's children's Christmas Musical are encouraged to attend. Come for fun, fellowship and some information about what we have coming up for children and families at Dallas First. Please contact Beth Cochran with any questions at missbethdfumc@gmail.com. A TIME TO PRAY! Join us this Thursday at 7 p.m. for our weekly prayer meeting in the church sanctuary. All are welcome to join us for this special time of praise and prayer.
Peru Mission team Fundraiser! Zumbathon tonight, June 27 from 7-9pm! All are invited to attend for a donation to the Peru Mission team! It will take place in the family life center!
Some important info for River of Life participants.
On June 18 we will only have 2 worship services. Both services will be held in the Sanctuary; one service will be held at 8:30 a.m. and at 10:30 we will have a combined 939 and 11 o'clock service. No elementary or youth Sunday school. Nursery and preschool classes are available starting at 10:15 a.m. We invite all children to attend Father's Day service with their families. Also, breakfast will be served from 9:15-10:15 a.m. in the Family Life Center. Please plan to join us!
Good morning! We are having our monthly Peru breakfast this Sunday. We will serve breakfast from 9:15-11:00 on Sunday April 23. We are also looking for some individuals to make homemade breakfast dishes to bring for us to serve! Please message Chris Freeman or Chris Pavlovsky if you are willing to assist with a breakfast item. Thanks!
Contemporary Worship @ 9:39am Please join us as we look into "The Art of Celebration." We will have amazing music, video, skits, message, etc. We are excited about celebrating Jesus' resurrection. Traditional Worship @ 8:30 & 11am Join us as we here an amazing Easter Cantata by our chancel & handbell choir. Followed by a message called "Empty Cross, Empty Tomb, Risen Saviour."
It is time for the annual yard sale to help raise money for this year's summer mission trip to Peru. Please come and join us to support this great outreach event.