Living Water Foursquare Church
To view details about our church, please check out our website: www.livingwateraz. com or call 928.634.5809 for more information. "Foursquare" is based on the foundational belief that Jesus Christ is our Savior, our Healer, our Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, and our Soon Coming King. Whatever your situation, whatever the issue, we believe Jesus is the answer.
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TODAY AT 4:00 p.m. AT LIVING WATER!!! Come have a great time, watch Moana and help us get our youth group to camp!!! In just a couple hours our doors will be open and our snack shack will be ready for you to buy lots of goodies!!!
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TOMORROW @ 4:00 P.M. - CAMP FUNDRAISER MOVIE NIGHT!! Please join us at Living Water to watch Moana - Bring your money for our amazing SNACK BAR! We have nachos and popcorn, candy and soda!!
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THIS SATURDAY @ 4pm IS MOVIE NIGHT!!! This is a fundraiser to help get our youth to camp this Summer! The movie (Moana) is free but plan on bringing your money to spend at our world famous SNACK SHACK!!! We will have popcorn, nachos, candy, drinks - everything you need to REALLY enjoy movie night!! Invite your friends, neighbors, co-workers for a night of fun!!
Photos from Living Water Foursquare Church's post
Church work day is in full swing!!!!
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Living Water Family!!! Tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. - WE NEED YOU!!! We have several projects around the church that need our attention and we would love your help! Men's Breakfast is also tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. At the church - so MEN!!!! Get your bellies full and be fueled for a great day of work!
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IT'S HERE!!!! We can't wait to see all you ladies this morning!!!!
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ONE MORE SLEEP LADIES!!!!!!! There are pearls and flowers and Tiffany Blue and super cuteness EVERYWHERE!!!! I I can't wait to see you gals tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.!!!!
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LADIES!!! INVITE YOUR MOMS ... INVITE YOUR DAUGHTERS ... INVITE YOUR LADY NEIGHBORS ... INVITE YOUR LADY FRIENDS ... and AUNTS ... and NEICES ... You will not want to miss THIS SATURDAY!! If you are a lady please join us for our Annual Mother's Day Tea!! Get fancy and have a blast with us!! SATURDAY at 10:00 a.m. at Living Water!
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Tomorrow is going to be a great day to be at church! It FAMILY SUNDAY so remember to wear your Living Water t-shirts! Also - we have Women's and Men's Bible Studies at 8:30am!!
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LIVING WATER!!!! This Sunday is FAMILY SUNDAY!!!! That means a couple of things ... 1. Families get to enjoy service all together. 2. Pastor Ben Arnold is preaching. And 3. WEAR YOUR LIVING WATER T-SHIRTS!!!! It's going to be a great day to be at church!
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Reminder ladies! If you signed up and paid for your book(s) - BIBLE STUDY STARTS TOMORROW AT 8:30AM!!
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He is not here ... HE IS RISEN!!!! Matthew 28:6