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Rise Community Church

Pioneer Middle School 5350 SW 90 Ave, Cooper City, United States



Love and Serve! We love and serve God as we love and serve people. Rise Community Church is called to be a part of building a community of discipled believers to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We believe very strongly in the power of serving the community! Serving is a way to treat people the way God wants to see them treated, and it’s the very essence of God’s heart. That’s why it’s so powerful. Our mission is clear to Love and Serve! We love and serve God as we love and serve people. All are welcome to join us in fellowship. Come and be a part of rediscovering the church with us.

"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine
on you." Ephesians 5:14 NIV


Do you feel surrounded by negativity? This Sunday Pastor Pete teaches on the biblical cure for negativity and how we are called to live in truth. See you Sunday!! S U N D A Y 1 0 A M // P I O N E E R M I D D L E S C H O O L

Want to join the planning committee for the next Walk with Compassion?! Come to our Committee Meeting Tuesday, August 29th at 7pm at the Rise Warehouse! #walkwithcompassion #loveandserve

Beautiful morning with our church family! Thank you @jayscutt for the incredible word! #sunday #greatIAM

We are so grateful for Luigi & Ellen! They serve the church body diligently every Sunday with their hospitality, yummy treats and COFFEE!

Rise University Fall 2017 Classes are NOW ENROLLING! Register Today >>

Exciting things happening this Sunday and in the coming months, and YOU'RE a part of it! Don't miss it.

We're REALLY excited about reCAMP Service tomorrow! See you Sunday at 10am at Pioneer Middle School! #recamp

Reminder Rock the Universe payments are due in full tomorrow Sunday July 30th (Full payment is $250) As we have to pay Universal Studios to keep our spots. Payments can be made in person by check or cash, or online at

As humans we like choices, it makes us feel like we have control. The difficult truth is we can’t control the way to eternal salvation. That way is solely through Jesus Christ. But when you truly look at the false alternatives and what they really offer the decision is clear. Through Satan your life will be full of deception and you will have an eternity of despair. Through Jesus you will have a peace and joy with the knowledge that your eternity will be more beautiful than you could ever imagine. Which gate will you choose? #21daysoftruth

TONIGHT at Rise Youth we will a guest speaker who will share her Testimoney of Gods amazing GRACE, LOVE and redemption! Don't miss it! Invite your friends


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