Celebrate Recovery at West Conroe Baptist Church
Celebrate Recovery at West Conroe Baptist is an exciting and energetic recovery ministry that is all about serving others who struggle with hurts, habits and hangups. We meet each week on Tuesday's at 6:30 beginning with dinner and then large group. 12 step Christ Centered recovery program for all hurts, habits and hangups.
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Dear brothers and sisters, today is Halloween. It marks the beginning of the holiday season. After Halloween comes Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. We love this time of year as it brings celebrations and time with friends and family. With all the festivities and parties make sure you consider your own needs. It is difficult to say no to invitations we receive but remember you are "already celebrating" your own recovery. Keeping that commitment may mean steering clear of places and people where you will be exposed to temptations that would place you in jeopardy and trigger a lapse in your recovery. While there may be a lot of fun and fellowship, it may simply be an unsafe environment for you. Be wise and be honest with yourself and be honest with those who invite you. Remember to pray and while you offer your prayer to God, remember the prayer Jesus prayed in Mt. 6:13a "And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one..." And keep coming to your CR meetings every week! We love you and miss you when you don't attend.
This week's Houston area Celebrate Recovery email newsletter
This week's Houston area Celebrate Recovery Email Newsletter is now available online. View it and past emails as well.
This week's Celebrate Recovery national email newsletter.
Just a little intimate party, Texas style. With 5000 of your closest forever family. Don't miss out on this. Only 5000 seats available and people are coming from CR all over the county.
Are you going?
You are invited to celebrate the One Year Anniversary of CR at West Conroe Baptist.