St. Francis of Assisi
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Tuesday: 6-7pm
Saturday: 4-5pm
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A blessed day of catechetical formation. The catechetical congress "Encuentro de Alegría y Mision" welcomed about 250 catechists from many parishes in our Diocese of Oakland and St Francis was well represented with 18 of our catechists. May we continue to nurture our spirit with the joy that Jesus brings us thru serving one another! Un día bendecido de formación y convivencia! 18 de nuestras catequistas estuvieron presentes y llenas de alegria para recibir alimento espiritual y llenarse del gozo que Jesús nos brinda por medio del servicio que ofrecemos a nuestro prójimo. Gracias por sus oraciones!
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Photos from St. Francis of Assisi's post
A great formation opportunity for all! Hope you can attend! Una gran oportunidad de formacion! Esperamos que puedan asistir.
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Saturday August 6th is the Feast of the Transfiguration!
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July 26: Saint Anne, pray for us! 26 de Julio: Santa Anna, ruega por nosotros!
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July 22 is the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene/22 de Julio, Santa Maria Magdalena. Pray for us! Ruega por nosotros!
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Join Father Ismael Gutierrez for a Year of Mercy Pilgrimage.....
On the Loss of Life in Baton Rouge, Minneapolis, and Dallas July 7, 2016 Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the senseless loss of life across our country this week, in Baton Rouge, in Minneapolis and in Dallas. We pray for mercy, for consolation and for healing for those who have lost loved ones, for those who have been killed and wounded, and for those whose hearts have been twisted by hatred. Let us also pray for courage, for each of us, to answer this escalating cycle of violence with more powerful acts of mercy and love. All lives matter, no matter the color of our skin or the profession of faith we make. We are all children of God and all human life is sacred and precious. Please join me in seeking common ground, and in calling upon our civic leaders to work together to find resolution to this escalating violence. Love is stronger than hate, but it requires each of us to act with courage and compassion. Let us recall the words of Pope Francis, “May the God of peace arouse in all an authentic desire for dialogue and reconciliation. Violence cannot be overcome with violence. Violence is overcome with peace.” Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ Diocese of Oakland
St. Francis of Assisi
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