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Peace Lutheran Church

2720 28th St, Columbus, United States
Religious Organization



A congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod whose mission is:
Making Followers of Jesus
Who Make an Impact for Jesus Worship Services
Saturday - 6pm
Sunday - 8am, 10:30am

Summer Services (Memorial Day - August 3)
Saturday - 6pm
Sunday - 9am
Wednesday - 7pm


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Don't forget about the picnic tomorrow! We will still have it even if it's raining! Come for food, fellowship, and some crafts!

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Don't forget to RSVP to the picnic coming up THIS Wednesday!

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Join the conversation about Adult Education at Peace!

Join the conversation about Adult Education at Peace!

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Join the discussion this week! First opportunity is tomorrow at 6:00pm in the sanctuary - join us while your kids are in Midweek!

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Our Midweek Picnic is two weeks from today! RSVP to or sign up in the Narthex!

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Mark your calendars & join the conversation! Discussions start next week!

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Peace Lutheran Church

Peace Lutheran Church

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Peace Lutheran Church's cover photo

Peace Lutheran Church's cover photo

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Mark your calendars!

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Join the conversation! We want to hear from you!

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Adult Education Open Discussion - We Want to Hear from You!

You know that God calls for Christians to grow in their faith. You also know that the way to grow in faith is to get into God’s Word, especially through Bible study with fellow Christians. Yet, maybe your life is busy and endless demands keep pulling you in every direction, causing you to put Bible study at the bottom of your priority list. Or maybe you feel intimidated to attend Bible study because you can’t navigate through the Bible or you fear that you won’t know enough. Maybe you have tried to attend Bible study in the past and felt that you didn’t get anything out of it causing you to stop attending. Or maybe you just feel disconnected with those attending Bible study, causing you to feel like an outsider. Whatever the reason, you have found yourself to be inactive in adult Christian education here at Peace. If the above paragraph sounds like you, know that you are not alone in your struggle! We have noticed and we want to do something about it! The Board of Education has decided to move forward by offering three opportunities to hear from the adults within the congregation face to face in the form of a casual discussion. We want to start the conversation to discover the Christian educational needs of the adults within the congregation and how we can meet those needs. It does not matter if you have never attended adult Christian education at Peace, or if you attend weekly—we want to hear from you! We ask that you choose one of the discussions to attend below: Wednesday, April 26th at 6:00pm (during Midweek) – Sanctuary Thursday, April 27th at 7:00pm – Fellowship Hall Sunday, April 30th at 9:15am – Fellowship Hall ***Refreshments & Childcare will be provided!***

Adult Education Open Discussion - We Want to Hear from You!


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