Knights of Columbus - Council 1529
The Mission of the Knights of Columbus:
The mission of Council 1529 of the Knights of Columbus is for Catholic Genlelmen to serve the community through Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
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facebook.comFried and Baked Fish, Cheesey Mashed Potatoes, Coleslaw, Applesauce, Cornbread, Green Beans, and Home-made Desserts Free MO-X Shuttle service from Our Lady of Lourdes to the Knights Hall ~5:00 - 8:00 PM
Adult Education & Devotion continues this Wednesday, February 21st at the Our Lady of Lourdes in Flanagan Hall at 7:00 p.m. Our topic is "Spiritual Warfare: Prayer, Fasting & Alms giving" by Father Pachomius Meade, OSB. We invite everyone to bring a friend, family member, Catholic or non Catholic to learn about our faith. Daycare is provided. So please bring the kids. If you are unable to get out to see it live. See the video on FaceBook @ Knights of Columbus - Council 1529.
Patriotism. This Sunday we honored three veterans of the United States armed services by purchasing a brick in their honor to be placed at the Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital. It is a small token, but it is just one of many things we can do to give back to those who volunteered to stand for us when our country needed them.
We joined Councils 7231 & 14414 for the annual Coats for Kids program. We gave 120 coats to CPS so that kids who need new warm coats will have them!
Congratulations to our Council/District Soccer Challenge Champions. These young competitors won the Regional Soccer Challenge for their age group, and will proudly represent our Council at the State competition in November.