Loveland Coffee
A SC Certified Local Artisan Coffee Roaster with a convenient Drive-Thru location offering Quality Artisan Crafted Coffee drinks. Also Available: Whole Bean Coffee & Cold Brewed Coffee Concentrate. Loveland Coffee is a socially responsible Specialty Coffee Drive-Thru in Columbia, South Carolina serving high quality Certified Fair Trade Organic Coffee since 2012. We roast our beans in our own in-house roastery, allowing us to ensure a higher level of quality and freshness. Available for retail purchase and brewed fresh daily at our Drive-Thru and now selling online.
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FYI. . . This 2 for $20 offer is Good through Saturday.
Making it Grow
Did you miss our appearance on Making it Grow Tuesday night? No worries, here is the link to the video.
Timeline Photos
Come on by the roaster tonight until nine for some amazing treats while shopping!!!
Coffee and Vintage Night
Reminder that the Thrifted Sisters Vintage Clothing and Coffee event is tonight @6-9pm and the Roastery.
Loveland Coffee
Cheesecake is back in Stock
Making it Grow
Had a great time filming tonight's episode of Making it Grow. What a great cast and crew.
Timeline Photos
Moms need Coffee. Let me REPEAT. . . Moms need Coffee. . . for Mothers Day! We will make it easy for you, starting Wednesday all Regular Whole Bean Coffee will be 2 for $20. Trust us, they will thank you. #lovelandcoffee #momsneedcoffee #localroaster #certifiedSC #columbiaSC #famouslyhotcolumbia #fairtrade #organic
Timeline Photos
Starting today we our offering Carmel Mocha Cheesecake that's made with our Coffee Concentrate. Available at the Drive-Thru for $4.50 while supplies last. Palmetto Cheesecake Co. has outdone themselves with this creation. 💥💕🍫🍰☕️ Palmetto Cheesecake Company
Thrifted Sisters
Do you like Vintage Clothing and Amazing Coffee? We have just the thing for you . . .
This Ethiopian Coffee is a MUST have!
Details on an Exciting New Ethiopian Coffee we just released . . .
Photos from Loveland Coffee's post
Green Coffee in the Hopper and Roasted Coffee in the Cooling Tray. What a great contrast and beautiful sight. #lovelandcoffee #localroaster #sccertified #scaa #artisan #roastmaster #wakeupcall #famouslyhotcolumbia