Numi Yoga
Numi Yoga is your go-to place for local yoga - offering a variety of yoga classes to fit every body and every schedule.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS to Tuesday when Argo joined us for reading day and our pop up shop of @therealnewportedge (who has an online shop if you missed it)... 💜
Start thinking about your next semester now and save 10% on your pass! Or, send a hint (and a link) to a loved one that this would be an awesome gift: The first 15 semester passes purchased will get a bonus Numi logo water bottle! We still have some spots! Daily yoga for less than a latte. We think your brain and your body will thank you!! Prices go up Dec 22!
Whether you're at home or in class with us this week, give yourself some time to slow down and even be on the ground. There are so many things to do right now (and so much news to read) that our minds can race from here to there - a very "up in the air" quality. Bring yourself back to earth, literally, to help stabilize and ground yourself - and if you can stay there in some quiet, stay as long as you can. And even if kids or textbooks are crawling on you see how it goes... Or, just come to class because we don't have either of those around :) 🙏🏼
Happy Reading Day, Terps! Come take a study break with us or study in our studio from 12-4. Boutique pop up by @therealnewportedge and big sales on Numi items. 💛
Schedule some time to study or take a break at Numi tomorrow for reading day! 12-4p we'll be open for snacks and warm drinks, the studio will be available for studying or moving, and @therealnewportedge will be popping up in our space alongside some awesome sales on Numi boutique items. (Shopping is available until 8p!). Who is your study and/or shopping buddy?
Join us tonight for a free yoga class with glow sticks and a celebration of the end of UMD classes!
We'll still be open through most of the holiday season but with an abridged schedule. One prime time class each day with different styles and instructors. Closed Dec 25. Bring a friend or family member for $5 from Dec 23-Jan 2, you'll both be grateful!
Join Erin for get last class at Numi this coming Thursday at 8:15p. She'll be missed for her sweetness and joy! 💜💜💜
A few spots are left for Sunday's Dreamweavers workshop. Come to explore and play and create (and yoga)! Sign up online!
Join Kelsey for some work in our hips and hamstrings followed by long restful holds supported by pillows and blankets and blocks! See you Saturday - use your pass or join us for $12!
DreamWeavers workshop with Roni this Sunday 1-4! Slow down and create some vision and flow for the year ahead. Yoga and makers supplies included. Sign up online - a handful of spots remain!
Join us for a stress break Tuesday Dec 12th - at Numi we'll have snacks and drinks 12-4 and a boutique takeover by @therealnewportedge from 12-8p. Oh and 10% of proceeds are going to support our local food friends @crossroadsntwk. Who's coming??