artistreEscapes Island Garden Venue
Private Island Wedding Escape with 2 gazebos, well-maintained gardens among mature trees on spacious ground surrounded by natural lake beauty and wildlife. One acre private secluded escape Island Garden Venue with two gazebos surrounded by continuous-blooming flowerbeds, mature trees, a large lawn area and calming natural lake beauty and wildlife.
-- Visit my website for photos and prices:; (prices are under the Venue Rental top folder.)
-- Appointment necessary for a visit.
-- If you would like a more detailed packet, please send me your fiance's name, desired date and number of people you plan with your mailing address. I can have it in tomorrow's mail.
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facebook.comPhotos from artistreEscapes Island Garden Venue's post
I LOVE these fun photos from Casey & Tony's June 11, 2016 Wedding. :D Their very gifted photographer was J. Cairl Photography (
Roses Made From Brown Paper Bags
Love them! <3
Photos from artistreEscapes Island Garden Venue's post
As I look forward to a new season, and finally updating my website with 2016 Wedding photos, I was reminded of all the totally beautiful moments captured in time for each couple by our amazing area photographers. This week I'm featuring Casey & Tony's June 11 Wedding. I'm going to walk you through 2016 memories in the next few weeks as Spring ramps up and everything begins anew very soon. These fabulous photos were taken by J Cairl Photography.
Photos from artistreEscapes Island Garden Venue's post
Can't wait until this first picture drops the litter in the second photo, a couple months away; I love fallen petals "littering" the ground beneath. Wisteria in bloom in one of the highlights of my entire gardening season. I also LOVE daylights saving time; extra daylight = extra sunlight = extra summer time. :D It'll fell like summer's even closer after tonight. 💜
Stylish Wedd
Good and fun idea. Shared by my friend Brenda.
Photos from artistreEscapes Island Garden Venue's post
Remember my Wisteria last Spring? They are my first display of the Flowering Gazebo and I can hardly wait to see if it will be as beautiful this year. <3
Little Boy Starts Dancing at Wedding Reception. Everyone Cheers!
WOW!!! isn't strong enough! As someone who once-upon-a-time used to steal the show, I am so impressed by this kids natural rhythm and overall abilities. I can't imagine what he'll be like when he can really impress! <3
Top 5 Wedding Invitation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Helpful tips:
Ceremony halted by voice in back of church– when bride turns around, she bursts into tears
I love to see a surprise during the Ceremony or Reception. How sweet are her tears! This is the song my heart often sings when I'm outside gardening or preparing for a Wedding. <3
Instagram post by NationalReview • Feb 14, 2017 at 6:38pm UTC
How sweet is this! <3 (If you can't read it, open it.)
Kristin and Danny
<3 Of course, I see this a day late. :D
Everything Sina Now
A day late but my wish for us all is a love like this. <3