Who We Play For
WWPF is a national non-profit dedicated to protecting the hearts of our youth. Our movement is to inspire others to find who they play for. On December 1st, 2007 our teammate and life-long friend, Rafe Maccarone, collapsed at a Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School soccer practice and died from a form of sudden cardiac arrest, known as Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). After Rafe’s passing our team, our friends and our community came together to make a promise to each other that we would always play for Rafe. To us, playing for Rafe means that we give our all to every opportunity in honor of those who may never get the chance.
Who We Play For was created to fight against the #1 killer of student athletes, sudden cardiac arrest. What began as a memorial pick-up soccer game on the weekend of Rafe’s passing has developed into a multitude of events and programs all aimed at fighting sudden cardiac arrest and helping others realize their “why” and make their impact. From the events we host to the programs we fund, the message is the same: It is now or never to find who YOU play for so you, too, can make a difference! Who Do You Play For?
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