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Celebrate Recovery at Legacy Life Family Church

622 N Main St, Clovis, United States
Religious Organization



Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits.  Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.
Celebrate Recovery maintains strict confidentiality. This promotes an atmosphere of trust and enables recovery. We have a saying that is repeated in every Large Group meeting : WHO you see here. WHAT you hear here. WHEN you leave here. STAYS HERE. We are diligent about confidentiality and anonymity.


Come join us tonight at Celebrate Recovery for some good Praise & Worship followed by a special lesson. Tonight will be having taco salad's at 5:30 and then CR starts at 6:30. Childcare is provided..

The Gospel/Shoes of Peace was a lesson on walking by faith because we believe what it says in John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". Do you have peace when you hear the good news? Do you walk the road less traveled that leads to life or do you follow the crowd on the broad road to destruction? (Matthew 7:13-14) You're children are learning how to wear the Armor of God at Legacy Life church on Wednesday nights. Join us at 6:30!

Are your children prepared to battle the enemy? Putting on our spiritual armor gives us hope, peace and protection for our everyday battles between good and evil. The Breastplate of Righteousness protects our hearts and what we carry in them, such as our love for God, family, and friends. The enemy wants to destroy all of our relationships because God loves us. We are learning how to put on our armor and be part of God's army at Legacy Life Church! Join us for Celebration Place, children's church, Wednesday nights at 6:30.

It is Testimony Night at Celebrate Recovery!! We would like to invite everyone to come out to hear Nick Reynosa share his amazing story. God took his mess and turn it into a message of hope and joy. You don't want to miss it!! 5:30 Free Fellowship Dinner 6:30 Praise, worship and testimony 7:30 small share group. Childcare is provided.

If you're struggling tonight, please know that you are not alone. You matter very much. "Don't give up." #NotOneMoreSUICIDE NM Crisis Line 1-855-662-7474 Suicide Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 Agora Crisis Center Hot-line 1-866-HELP-1-NM or 1-505-277-3013 (Please Share!)

Are you leaving each morning with your armor on? Do you know how to? Ephesians 6:10-18 starts off by saying to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.... Because we battle the evil in this world, especially in our city lately, it's important to teach our children how to be part of the Lord's army. On Wednesdays at Legacy Life church, we are studying how to put on the Lord's armor and protect ourselves against the enemy. Please allow your children to join us for Basic Training, Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭

Every Wednesday these four make a home cooked dinner for our Celebrate Recovery family. The meals are so delicious because they have one special ingredients which is "Love" THANK YOU Shavon, Delta, Stephen and Annetta.

Have you been to a meeting this week??? Good News CELEBRATE RECOVERY starts at 6:30 tonight. Also, free dinner at 5:30 Join Us!


NEAR Celebrate Recovery at Legacy Life Family Church