Guardian ad Litem Project
A project of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, we provide legal representation of children and others in the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court. The Guardian ad Litem Project recruits and trains GALs and monitors their performance. The Project serves as the liaison between the GALs, the Juvenile Court, and the public. The Project operates according to its By-Laws under an Administrator and Advisory Committee. Throughout the years, the Advisory Committee has been comprised of attorneys, psychologists, college faculty, social workers, foster parents, and members of valued community organizations. The Executive Director of the Bar Association, the Program Director of Mediation, and the Juvenile Court Administrative Judge and Director of Court Services serve as ex-officio members of the Advisory Committee.
Guardian ad Litem practice is governed by the Guardian ad Litem Guidelines, the Juvenile Court’s Local Rules, Rules of Superintendence, and O.R.C. 2151.281. Some attorneys serve as guardian ad litem pro bono, while others earn a fee, either paid by Cuyahoga County or the parties to the case. The Guardian ad Litem Project provides a two-day training for attorneys to become qualified GALs in Cuyahoga County. Advanced Trainings, also provided by the Project, are required to continue serving as a GAL.
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