Salem Christian Academy
Salem Christian Academy is a K-6th grade elementary school that promotes a positive Christ-centered atmosphere both academically and spiritually.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS SCA Robotics Club takes 1st in state
Photos from Salem Christian Academy's post
Staff Appreciation Luncheon! Thank you parents for your generosity and thoughtfulness! We certainly do feel appreciated:)
Englewood Independent
Blessed to be a blessing!
The SCA Grandparents Program was a great success! Thank you, to all that attended, for helping us celebrate our grandparents, families, and friends!
Photos from Salem Christian Academy's post
Our baskets are ready for the basket auction, are you?! The bidding table opens Monday morning, and ends Friday, just before the Grandparents Day program. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to help our classes raise money for missions! (All bids must be submitted by an adult.)
In case you missed the cake auction, you can still experience some of the action through this commercial that was played on morning announcements last week. It was written by the 5th grade class, and even guest stars some of our 6th graders!
Are You Raising Your Kids With Grit?
Great parenting advice:)
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Congratulations to these amazing public speakers! So proud of our District Speech Meet Representatives. They all did a great job Saturday sharing their speech meet piece at Legacy Christian Academy in Xenia.
Photos from Salem Christian Academy's post
6th grade began planting seeds for the Salem Church of God "Food and Hunger" ministry this week! Join us in praying for the growth of a bountiful harvest of healthy food for the hungry, and a spirit of generosity for our students!
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And the Golden Jump Rope goes to........THIRD GRADE! Congratulations to Mrs. Seim's third grade class for completing 3356 jumps (an average of 197.4 per student) in three minutes! Thank you, SCA, for a successful Jump-a-thon. We earned $2800 and surpassed our original $6500 food packing for Haiti missions goal. All additional money earned will be used to bless others locally through Northmont FISH, Gem City Market, and the Food and Hunger Ministry partnership between our 6th grade class and Salem Church of God, as well as, help send some of our very own to represent SCA on a missions trip to Germany. We are blessed to be a blessing!
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Our Robotics Club took a field trip to The Smart Lab at University of Dayton's Research Institute. They toured their failure analysis and residual stress lab. This new lab houses landing gear for the Air Force's C130 and uses state of the art machines to test the breaking point of airplane parts.
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One of our second graders took it upon herself to put together a Black History Month presentation. She researched, assembled and presented interesting information about Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and Jesse Owens to her peers and administration. We are so proud of you, way to be passionate about learning and sharing that excitement with others!