Claremont McKenna College
Established in 1946, Claremont McKenna College (CMC) is a highly selective, independent, coeducational, residential, undergraduate liberal arts college with a curricular emphasis on economics, government, and public affairs. This is the official Facebook page of Claremont McKenna College (CMC) and is maintained by the Public Affairs and Communications Office
CMC welcomes the community’s contributions (e.g. comments, photo tagging, wall posts and likes) to its Facebook page. When posting to CMCs Facebook page, please keep in mind that your name and photo appear next to your comments and are publicly visible to visitors to the page. Community-contributed content on the page is the opinion of the specific author and does not represent CMC. Claremont McKenna College abides by Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and asks its Facebook users to do the same.
CMC reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove comments or ban users from posting to the College’s Facebook page that:
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Tell your friends
facebook.comStags headed to NCAAs with program’s fifth SCIAC tourney title
Four-peat success earns Athenas NCAA trip
CMS to host inaugural Health and Wellness Fair on March 23 in Roberts Pavilion
Save the Date! CMS Athletics to host inaugural Health and Wellness Fair on March 23 in Roberts Pavilion. FMI
CMCtv: 3D Printing Club
Did you know that Claremont McKenna College has a 3D Printing Club on campus? CMCtv interviewed Josh Guggenheim '19, the founder and president of the club, and was given a tour of their space inside the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE). Watch this video to see how students are bringing innovation to campus. #ThankYou to CMCtv producer Sijia Lai '19 who produced this video.!
CMC Professors Diana Selig and Wei-Chin Hwang to receive 7C faculty diversity awards
Today is the 7C Faculty Diversity Awards!!! We'll be honoring the work of Claremont McKenna College faculty members Diana Selig and Wei-Chin Hwang who have been chosen as two of #TheClaremontColleges Faculty Diversity award winners. Stop by Balch Auditorium on the Scripps campus today at 3:30 p.m. FMI
CMCtv: Faculty Publications & Grants
CMCtv captured the impressive amount of published articles, journals, books, and grants earned by CMC professors from every discipline in 2016 at the Inaugural Community Celebration of CMC Faculty Publications and Grants. ICYMI the event #watchCMCtv here... #ThankYou to CMCtv Producer Thomas D'Anieri '20 for putting video together!
Women and Leadership Workshop
If you haven't already, be sure to register for the Kravis Leadership Institute (KLI)'s Women & Leadership Workshop scheduled for this Friday, February 24. Spaces are still available for students! FMI or to register, please visit
CMC Professors Diana Selig and Wei-Chin Hwang to receive 7C faculty diversity awards
Join us for the 7C Faculty Diversity Awards when we honor the work of Claremont McKenna College faculty members Diana Selig and Wei-Chin Hwang who have been chosen as two of #TheClaremontColleges Faculty Diversity award winners. The Claremont Colleges Diversity Working Group is presenting the awards to Professors Selig, Hwang and Jean Reith Schroedel of Claremont Graduate University on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 3:30 p.m. in Balch Auditorium on the Scripps campus.
CMS student-athletes take part in NCAA-wide training on substance abuse prevention
CMS Athletics took part in the APPLE Institute, the NCAA-wide three-day training session for student-athletes and campus administrators dedicated to substance abuse prevention and health promotion of college athletes. Learn more about how our CMS student-athletes plan on implementing Apple Institute goals and strategies right here in Claremont.
CMCtv: Lunar New Year Festival
ICYMI: The Claremont Chinese Student Association (Claremont CSA) hosted the Lunar New Year Festival at McKenna Auditorium and CMCtv was there to capture the festivities on video! Students, faculty, and staff came together and celebrated the Lunar New Year with student performances, Asian cuisine, and boba tea! #ThankYou to Sijia Lai '19 who produced this video with additional content provided by Claremont CSA. #WatchCMCtv here
Claremont McKenna College Parent Network
Coming up on the #CMCFamilyWeekend schedule is CMC Model UN, a nationally-ranked Model United Nations team that represents Claremont McKenna College on a national and international stage. Stop by this morning at 10:30a to observe, or pair up with a student team member for this exciting simulation of the real UN security council!
Claremont McKenna College Parent Network
Ignore the noise 🔇

First meet as a college athlete✅ #throwersquad

My lucky day! #ladybuglandedonme Spent the weekend with my loves in LA.

Rossi Relays 2017 where our huskies competed in the 4x800, 4x400, 3k, 100, and javelin! 🏃🏃♀️💨

It has been a great season, they have worked hard and it has paid off. A trip to the NCAA tournament #marchmadness #dancing


"Goooooooooo" -Bailey 🏃♀️

More architecture goodness

Today's #CollegeSpotlight is the stunning and prestigious Claremont McKenna College. Located in sunny Southern California, #CMC offers a rich liberal arts education with a special focus on finance and business. For more information visit or @cmcnews 🏛.
