Mesa Verde High School
San Juan Unified School District High School
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facebook.comCheck out our TNT fireworks stand at Stones and support Maverick athletics!
Maverick Nation football and cheer at the Citrus Heights Red, White, and Blue parade this morning!
We just became Facebook official! This is now a verified page. Thank you Maverick Nation! Hope you are all enjoying your summer break so far.
Important information and tips for attending tonight's graduation ceremony! Dress code, parking, items allowed inside memorial auditorium, etc. Can't wait to see you all tonight at Memorial Auditorium. Doors open at 6:15
Senior Breakfast
Thank you to everyone who helped make tonight so much fun!
2017 Staff vs Senior game in the books. Mesa staff holds on to beat Seniors 50-47! Great bonding
Thank you to senior Mark McGee for this awesome slide show! Hope everyone enjoyed the rally and day on the green!
Don't miss out on the Citrus Heights Charity Basketball Classic! Police & Fire against Mesa Verde & San Juan! Friday May 27th at 6pm here at Mesa Verde HS. Click the link for the full details
Seniors! It's almost check out time. Please pick up your blue senior check out form in the counseling office NEXT Wednesday May 24th. Check out forms will not be available before May 24th.
Already thinking about the weekend? There is a FREE event for teens at the Crocker Art Museum this Saturday!
Going LIVE from Prom at 8:30! Follow us @mvhsheadlines