Northern Hills United Methodist
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Kids Clothing Closet
Photos from Northern Hills United Methodist's post
Palm Sunday at Northern Hills UMC. #aprettygoodday #UMC Waiving the palms and a baby shower. A day of feeling blessed!
Some things coming up to consider: The children's Easter Party and egg hunt is this Saturday, April 8th, at 1PM. Everyone is welcome to come. If you would like to volunteer to help, contact Dave Beverly. The Children's Ministry Team will be decorating for the party this Thursday, April 6th, at 6:30PM. If you would like to help decorate, please come to the church Thursday at 6:30PM. This Sunday, April 9th, is the baby shower for Jean Claude and Sepha. A group has purchased a crib and mattress, but everything else is still needed. Please join us after worship to help celebrate Jean and Sepha's newest little girl.
Easter Sunday Worship and Brunch
Join us on Sunday at 10am for Easter worship as we celebrate our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus. Once worship is over stick around for a free brunch before you head home or head out to family and friends.
Maundy Thursday Worship Service
Come join us for a light snack as we share a small meal, worship, prayer, and fellowship around the table!
Good Friday Worship Service
This is an ecumenical Good Friday service with Fleming Road UCC, Faith Lutheran, Keys of the Kingdom UMC and Northern Hills UMC. Experience the presence of God and stay for the fellowship afterward.
Timeline Photos
How is your lenten season going? How are your devotions? Keep pressing in. Be prayerful. Above all else listen....listen for the Holy Spirits voice. It's gentle prod. And sometimes not so gentle push. Let's be kingdom people doing kingdom business with our hearts, minds, and ears open for change and direction as we press in this Lenten season!
Easter Egg Hunt and Party
Join us for food, Easter eggs, and community building.
UMCOR on Twitter
Ash Wednesday Worship Service
Ash Wednesday Service. Start the Lent season off right with family and Jesus!
World Culture Night celebrates student's culture