Mantra Massage & BodywoRx
Massage, Bodyworks, and Therapeutic Wellness (Reiki, Acupuncture) in Cincinnati We offer a wide variety of top quality services to fit your needs. We will help you determine the best services for your needs and deliver the kind of quality and value you can only get from a trained professional Licensed Massage Therapist. Chronic pain elimination to relaxation.
Available Massage Modalities:
Swedish Relaxation Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Reiki with Acupressure for Chi Toning
Aromatherapy Massage
Pregnancy Massage
Cranial Massage
Ashiatsu Massage
Muscle Therapy
We also offer/arrange:
Infant Massage Classes for parents and caretakers
Wedding, Birthday, etc, Spa/Massage parties
Massage and Spa Services can be provided off-site at suitable locations
See our website for more details. e-mail or call with questions.
513 891 1324
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From our therapist family to yours have a Happy Easter and Passover! We will be closed Sunday.
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Mantra clients are the luckiest!
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Did you know a massage table is a great place to take a nap, relax and oh yeah... get much needed body work! Book ahead to get the times that work for you!
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Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities Provider Fair- take care of your caregivers with a massage!
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Let's love love, 365 days a year. Let's not wait for any day to give affection and attention and appreciation. Whether you're single, divorced, widowed, married, in-love, looking for love, broken-hearted, with kids, without kids, with pets, allergic to pets, or something else, holidays can be hard. Every day can be hard. Don't focus on the calendar or Hallmark's marketing. Just be a force for love in your world.
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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." I hope your day was surrounded by love and reflection.
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A whole lot of new things going to be happening this year! Wishing you a safe and healthy start to the New Year!
Power of Positivity
We are ready! How about you?
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From our Mantra family to yours! Enjoy this holiday season!
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You can also get $100 worth of gift cards online too at for $79.99. Not valid with other discounts or on series.
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With the holiday season upon us we are often asked about specials and discounts. Here is a quick way to snap up some deals! Not valid on series or with other discounts. Check out