Gentiva - Home Health - Christiansburg
We help people remain at home, surrounded by friends and family, while receiving the highest-quality, most compassionate home-based care possible. Kindred Healthcare Facebook Community Guidelines
Welcome to the Kindred Healthcare Facebook Community, which is owned and operated by Kindred Healthcare (“Kindred” or “We”). We encourage you to use the Kindred Healthcare Facebook page to learn more about our company, services and various healthcare-related topics. To help encourage a community where members share, learn and contribute to the conversation, please read our detailed guidelines below.
Medical Information:
If you are seeking specific medical advice, please contact a doctor’s office or call 911 in the case of an emergency.
Comment Moderation Guidelines:
We strive for a community that is safe for all of its members to feel comfortable to express their opinions. However, we do not monitor every posting of User Content on the Kindred Facebook Page. We expect that users will not post any materials that fall into any of the following categories and may remove or have removed any materials that:
• Impersonate any person or entity;
• Defame, abuse, “stalk,” harass, harm or otherwise threaten any person, animal or entity;
• Constitute commercial use or is selling or promoting a product or service;
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• Contain computer viruses or other code, files, or programs that interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
• Interfere with, disrupt, or destroy the functionality or use of any features or portions of the Kindred Facebook Page or Kindred website;
• Is “spam”;
• Violate any other term or condition governing your use of the Kindred social media page or Kindred website or any applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation.
No Relationship
No relationship or obligation shall be established between you and Kindred through any submission, comment, or post to or through this social media site. Any such submission, comment, or post shall be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary.
This page is intended as a convenience and reference for you and does not constitute professional medical, pharmaceutical or nursing advice, diagnosis, treatment, services, or recommendations, nor a substitute, supplement, or replacement therefor. Any and all health and medical advice and information given on this page is intended for general discussion and educational purposes only. Because of this, we assume no responsibility for any posts. It is possible that some information may be inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise flawed. If you have any medical concerns, please consult with your physician or other health-care professional.
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facebook.comThis is Kindred.
We sat down with Kindred caregivers from across the country to talk about what it's really like to take care of and help people every day. Many told us that helping others was the main reason they went into healthcare. Now watch as they share stories of the challenges they face and the passion they bring to helping others.
Stories of Caring for a Loved One - A Mother's Day Special
Being a mother is a blessing, a gift and a love that never ends. This Mother’s Day, we honor the mothers who have cared for their children and the children who return that care. This is Robin’s story:
This week is National Women’s Lung Health Week and the American Lung Association is turning the nation turquoise! This year marks the 4th Annual Turquoise Takeover to spread awareness and raise critical funds in the fight against lung cancer. Find out more about LUNG FORCE:
National Nurses Week 2017
The American Nursing Association has designated 2017 as the "Year of the Healthy Nurse." Join Kindred during National Nurses Week, May 6–12, as we explore this year’s theme, “Nursing: the Balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit.” It’s all about celebrating nurses like YOU who lead the charge for health and wellness!
Timeline Photos
Today and every day, we are grateful for our skilled and hard-working nurses. Thank you for all you do!
Mr. Ketterer's Story
Cancer changed the Ketterer family's life. After being diagnosed with esophageal cancer, Alfred spent the next year and a half dealing with surgeries, chemo and radiation, infections and depression. Everything changed when he was transferred to Kindred Rehab. His therapists Jim, Sue and Bri never gave up on him, and so he didn’t give up on himself.
Kindred Spirit Blog | Kindred Healthcare
People living with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease experience many changes over time in their ability to communicate. But there are ways to ease communication and help your loved one avoid negative feelings. We adapted tips from the Alzheimer's Association to help you communicate at any stage of your loved one’s progression:
How healthy is the air you breathe?
May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. Is the air you breathe as clean as you thought? Visit the link below and check out the State of the Air report, published by our friends at the American Lung Association, to learn how where you live measures up when it comes to air quality!
What Is In-Home Physician Care?
In-home physician care brings skilled medical care to your loved one in their place of residence, whether that is at home or in an assisted or independent living community. See how visits from house call doctors can help you and your situation:
Caregiver Corner: Weaving a Memoir Through Hospice Volunteer Support
Emily Evans first heard about Kindred Hospice and its mission when she decided to become more involved with her larger Seattle community. This week is National Healthcare Volunteer Week. Find out more about Emily and her volunteer story here:
Earth Day - April 22 | Earth Day Network
This Earth Day, gather with your community for an Environmental & Climate Literacy Teach-In or another project focused on education! To find out more, visit:
The Power of Pet Therapy
Pets have the power to brighten your day and even motivate you. Watch how Kindred is using pet therapy and SHARE with your favorite animal lover!