Oriole Christian Assembly
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty Our Beliefs:
...the Bible to be inspired by God. It does not fail and it is His written word for each of us.
...there is one eternal God which exists in three unique persons; God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.
...in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He was born of a virgin, that He lived a sinless life, that He performed many miracles, and that He died in our
place to pay the penalty for our sin, that He was raised from the dead, that He ascended to Heaven to be at the side of God the Father, and in His
personal, future return to this Earth in power and glory to rule over the nations.
...in the "Blessed Hope"; and the 2nd coming of Christ in the air to escort His people to Heaven.
...the only way to be cleansed from our sin is through repentance and a sincere faith in Christ ("salvation").
...that our sinful nature is regenerated by the Holy Spirit when we ask Christ to become our Lord.
...that baptism by immersion in water, as a public testimony of our faith, is extremely important but not necessary for our salvation.
...that through His death, we have not only spiritual healing, but we can expect healing for the human body in answer to prayer.
...that the baptism in the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given by Christ to believers who ask for it.
...in the power of the Holy Spirit who, by living in us enables us to live a holy life.
...that after death, all men will live eternally. Those who are saved will live forever in God's presence and those who have refused Christ will live in
eternal regret and torment far away from God.
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