CrossFit Cheyenne
CrossFit Cheyenne welcomes athletes of all fitness levels. Stop in for a free trial class. CrossFit Cheyenne is run by a team of extremely passionate coaches who care about helping you reach your fitness goals. Our goal is to challenge your body and mind in a way that will maximize your fitness potential. We look to create a level of fitness that will prepare you for any demand that life may throw at you. Whether it’s everyday activities, performance on the field, or performance while on duty, refuse to let your level of fitness hold you back. Specializing is not our specialty. We do not specialize in one area of fitness. Instead, we develop overall functional fitness.
At CrossFit Cheyenne, we strive to create an environment where all athlete’s are supported and encouraged regardless of fitness level. When you walk through our doors you have stepped into an environment where we all share the same common goal, to improve our quality of life through fitness. Along the way, through the sweating, grunting and personal achievements you will forge lifelong friendships.
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facebook.comFebruary 7, 2018 Hang Squat Snatch + OHS 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat for a heavy day today. 7 sets of 1 and drill foot position on this. It’s a great way to work consistency and make sure that you have your feet where they need to be for receiving the snatch by seeing how you feel in the OHS as well. Ideally, there is no change in foot position at all between the two. Post Work: - Week 5, Day 1 MU Program - 3x10/leg Single Leg Glute Bridge - Roll/Smash Upper Back 2 min Single Leg Glute Bridge is 3 sets of 10 on each leg. You can load this up with holding a plate on your lap or even a loaded barbell.
February 6, 2018 AMRAP 12 min 3 Rounds: 7 Power Clean (135/95) 9 Box Jump Over 11 T2B Every 3 rounds you complete add 20lbs to your power clean weight Goal: 6+ Rounds This AMRAP has you increasing the weight on the bar by 20lbs every 3 rounds you complete. For many, the grip will start to play a factor going form the T2B into the Power Clean so breaking them up into 2 or 3 sets and doing the cleans in quick singles as the bar gets heavier may be a good approach. Goal on this is more about keeping the sets on the T2B at 5’s or 6’s and the box jump overs quick and smooth. Post Work: Banded Hammie Stretch :90 sec/side Couch Stretch 2 min/side
February 5, 2018 For Time 3 Rounds: Row 500 meters 15 Single Arm DB OHS (53/35) *doesn't matter which arm you use or how often you switch it out Goal: Sub 11 min This is a great workout and although it’s some more leg work it is lower volume overall and a good way to work on a few things. 1. Position of the OHS with the dumbbell which can be challenging for many of us. 2. If you need to switch arms and have the ability to snatch the weight you can work on the standard of passing the db just below our eyes which we have heard of. Scale the loading on the DB as needed to keep position and meet the suggested time goal. Post Work: Week 4, Day 2 MU Program Banded Shoulder Stretch :90 sec/side Hollow Hold --3 x :20-:30 sec
February 3, 2018 8am-10am: Open Gym 10am: Group WOD Teams of 2 5 Rounds each of 30 Air Squat 20/15 Cal Assault Bike 10 Shoulder to Overhead (165/115) Alternate rounds till each person has completed 5 total Goal: Sub 3:00 for each round Post Work Banded Shoulder Stretch :90/side
February 2, 2018 AMRAP 3 Min of: 10 Deadlifts (155/105) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) REST 1:00 AMRAP 3 Min of: 7 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) 21 DU's REST 1:00 AMRAP 3 Min of: 10 C2B Pull-ups 10 Burpees This is a 3 part workout with 1 min rest between each couplet. Although they are short with the 3 min time frame we want you pushing the pace and the structure is set to be something that allows you to do this. Trust your fitness and don’t hold back on the earlier AMRAP’s to save for the last one.
February 1, 2018 Mobility 2x/each side 1:00 Glute Smash 1:00 Couch Stretch 1:00 Pigeon Stretch *do all 3:00 on the right side 2x through before moving to the left side. 3 Rounds: 4:00 Bike for Calories REST 1:00 Post Work Week 4, Day 1 MU Program
January 30, 2018 REMINDER...payments will be processed today for your shirt/hoodie order. If you chose to pay by cash or check, your total is on the order form and is also due today. Orders will be going in Thursday! For Time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Front Squat (105/75) Toes to Bar Goal: Sub 10 min Light barbell and alllll the toes to bar. This will have some movement interference that you may not expect with hip flexors working on both of the exercises. For many of us this is just going to be about “going” on the front squat. It would be wise to split up the T2B early on so you can save time from too much rest in the later sets. For some this would be 2 sets for each round, others it may be up to 4 or 5 sets with quick breaks. Take note of what you do and how it works for you. Post Work: Couch Stretch 2 min/side Supermans 3 x 15
Last day to get your order in! AND...if you’re paying by cash, it’s due tomorrow and your total is on the order form 👍🏻 #yousnoozeyoulose
January 30, 2018 Get those shirt and hoodie orders in! Last day to order is TODAY! Jerk Take 15 min to find a heavy single. A little heavy lifting and then a heavy metcon on deck. The Jerk should act as a good warm up to the workout as well. It’s only 15 min to find your 1 RM for the day so make sure to get good and warm with the warm up and any kind of additional skill work that you want to do with an empty barbell. For Time: 5-4-3-2-1 Hang Squat Clean (225/155) Push Jerk Goal: Sub 7 min Heavy Barbell cycling is clearly the focus on this one. If you can string the reps together and only break before you have to go into the push jerk that’s clearly going to be the quickest. Even though there may be some more rest between sets to get this done, chances are it’s going to be faster in the long run within reason. Focus on speed under the bar with the push jerk as you fatigue and fast elbows with the clean. Scale the loading as needed in order to try to meet the goal time domain. A good place to start is with something you know you can do 5 hang squat cleans or 5 push jerks in a row with. Post Work Week 3, Day 2 MU program
January 29, 2018 Don't forget to get your shirt/hoodie order in by this Wednesday! For Time: 800 meter Run 40 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35) 400 meter Run 40 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35) 200 meter Run 40 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35) Goal: Sub 13 min Push on the runs and trust your fitness. This is not one to hold back on since the DB is a bit lighter to moderate weight. Post Work: Pike Compression 3 x 10 Band Good Morning - accumulate 50-75 reps
January 27, 2018 8am-10am: Open Gym 10am: Group WOD Teams of 2 Double Heavy "Grace" 60 Clean and Jerk (205/145) "I go you go" format, partners must alternate reps Goal: Sub 20 min Heavy loading here for this one. It’s teams of 2 and set up as an “I go, you go” format. If the loading is something you won’t be able to keep quality movement with scale back. Even peeling in the middle of the workout is fine if needed. Goal is sub 20 min so I gave us a good cushion here. For some it will be done much faster and others this will be a push. Dig in and have some fun with this one while getting in some heavy barbell work. Post Work Roll/Smash Glutes and Low Back
January 26, 2018 Task Priority FGB 3 Rounds 20 Wall Ball (20/14) 20 SDLHP (75/55) 20 Box Jump (20) 20 Push Press (75/55) 20 Cal Row Rest 1 min between Rounds Goal: Just get it done Such a great conditioning workout. Still looking at a 1 min rest between each round but this time it’s 20 reps of everything. Goal is to just get it done today but I do want you to take a look at your first round and see what your time is there. See if you can keep it close to that or even improve upon it in the next 2 rounds. Post Work: Easy Row/Ride 5 min Couch Stretch 2 min/side Roll/Smash Upper Back 2 min