Val's Famous Pizza and Grinders
Affordable family friendly restaurant that focuses on the community. A family restaurant with non-smoking bar known for unique and delicious menu items and community activism.
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facebook.comComcast is down again for phones. We're really sorry if you've been trying to get through. But on the up side, the kitchen is getting really really clean while the cooks are waiting for orders.
Soooooooo, with the Comcast phone outage, we have no phones until 5:30 or so. Come on in and eat here. Doors are open and ovens are empty.
Maybe we got some good karma from donating to WDSO, maybe it was the unbridled excitement that comes with it being April 29th (what?), but today was our busiest day ever. Thank you everyone that ordered today. And every day really. You're the best.
You know what doesn't require a water supply? Beer. Ice cold beer. Over 50 different domestic, import, and craft beers. It also doesn't require a water supply to drink them outdoors on the patio. Ahhh, spring.